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Wed., May 27th late afternoon

On the way back from the lake, she seemed like a child again. She skipped ahead of him and even sang a song. She was elated to find that the carving on the tree was not only there but looked so new.

If it's for real, it's forever.

They had at least fifteen minutes before they reached the house. Robert walked his regular pace, which was faster than hers, causing her to grab his arm and tell him to slow down.

"What's the rush daddyo, got a date?"

"Yeah, I got a date with a hot babe."

"She must be pretty hot cause you seem to be in a hurry." She laughs as she skips a few steps in front of him. Again, he cannot help but notice that for someone her size she skips pretty gracefully. She skips back and snakes her arm into his and they walk a little way like this, enjoying the walk and each other.

"Dad, I had a dream the other night. I wasn't gonna tell you cause it's weird and I would've felt a little uncomfortable telling it to you. But I feel I can tell you now. I feel like I can talk to you about anything. Isn't that weird?

He just looks at her and smiles.

"ok, so I don't even know where to start, it was so weird. There was no beginning to it. It started with me and you walking through ruins of a city. You know like in one of those apocalyptic movies where, cites are destroyed by bombs or aliens, you know? And all that's left are the crumbled ruins of the city. Well, that's where we were, day after day, trampling through fallen metal and concrete, looking for food and trying to survive. Occasionally, we would stumble into what once was a supermarket and find some canned goods. My favorite was the Goya beans with their flip top cans. We'd open them and just gulp down the entire contents just like that. And you were so sweet daddy. When we were low on food, you'd give me your portion."

She stopped and stood in front of him and hugged him. "you're so good to me even in my dreams,"

Sometimes he thought she may be a bit touched, because of her emotional sensitivity. But he wouldn't change anything about her for the world.

They continue walking arm in arm.

"so anyways, this goes on for a long time, I don't know if it was just days or weeks or months, but it turns out that all this time we don't see another human being. It seems that we are the only ones alive. Then one day, we hear a noise coming from inside one of the collapsed buildings and we go to check, slowly though, cause you never know."

She looks around and notices the dogs are not with them. "Wipeeee, Thor!" she yells into the night. It's not until she sees them scurrying towards them that she continues.

"so, we go into this collapsed building very slow like. Stepping over debris and stuff. And there at the far end of a corner of the building is an old man sitting on a chair and there's like this makeshift desk in front of him. He looks like Confucius, old, skinny, long white beard, long, white hair. His clothes are tattered, Basically he looks like he's been through some shit. He hears us and turns to look at us. That's when I notice his eyes, they're like all green. Not like mine. I mean the entire eye is green, you know what I'm saying. Freaky like. Anyway, turns out he's blind and is one of the last survivors like us. He's been around there since it happened."

"But if he's blind, how did he survive so long?"

"I don't know dad, it's a dream."

"It's an interesting dream, but why were you so uncomfortable telling me?"

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