First day in Paradise

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Evening of Friday, May 29th

By 4:00 he started dinner. Kaily had been upstairs all afternoon. At 5:30 he finished dinner, left it warming up and went upstairs to shower and get ready. At six thirty, when he came down, she still wasn't there. He knew women and decided not to call up to her to hurry her. He walked the dogs, then put them in the great room.

Kaily did not know why she was so excited, but she did know that she wanted to look spectacular tonight. Perhaps it was because she knew her mother was not going to be there, and it would allow her a certain freedom. A certain freedom for what, she does not know, but she does know she gets a certain satisfaction from flirting with him. Perhaps it's like her mother said, 'it's harmless.' Perhaps, because he's been treating her like an adult lately, she wanted to look the part. Whatever the case, she tried on several different dresses, finally settling on the one she originally picked. It was not revealing at all. Actually it went from her knees all the way up to her neck. Talk about full coverage and yet as she looked at herself in the mirror she saw a classy beautiful woman staring back. She smiled. It covered all of her, and yet she looked fantastic. She had forgotten that she bought that dress two years ago when she was invited to a formal affair but ended up not going when she found out the guy who invited her as his date was married. So she brought it home during the holidays, hung it up in the back of her closet and forgot about it. That is, until now.

Finally at 6:45 she was ready...excited...and nervous.

She felt the silky wings of butterflies flapping in her belly. The relationship with her father in the last few weeks, particularly Wednesday, left her feeling confused, yet elated. She doesn't know why she told him half the things she did, but she also knows that since she's come back home, she feels more mature. He's treats her like an adult. Looking back at what they said to each other and how the night ended, she knew she should be feeling uneasy about it, but she doesn't. She knows she should feel some trepidation at being alone with him in that setting, but she doesn't. Surprisingly, she's actually looking forward to it. There is an excitement about it that she can't shake. And as a result of it, she knows that she wants his approval. She wants to look good for him. And she knew that her uneasiness stems from wondering if he is going to look at her as a woman or as his daughter. She doesn't know why this is so important to her. Things haven't been the same with her since she'd been home. She can't put her finger on it, but she likes the new relationship that's developing between her and her father. She also knows that she shouldn't even be thinking about that, and yet she is. Who knew that such a little thing as a dress up Friday theme would have such an impact?

She takes a deep breath, opens the door, walks out slowly into the hallway. Her father is at the bottom of the stairs looking up at her. She sees his eyes widen and his broad smile as she descends the stairs, his mouth opened in awe. The butterflies become more numerous as she realizes she got her wish.

"My God Kaily, you're gorgeous!"

As she reaches the bottom landing, he takes her hand in his, bends over and kissed the back of it.

"Welcome your highness."

She knows this is all a fabrication, a means by which to get by their daily routine and yet, it makes her feel so special. He holds on to her hand and leads her towards the kitchen.

At a loss for words, all she could mutter is, "you like?"

"Baby, you look fantastic! Why don't you get over here by my office so I could take a picture and send it to your mother so she and grandma could see what an absolute beauty you are! She can't be here, but that doesn't mean she can't partake."

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