Slow Slide into Hell

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Saturday, May 30th, 2020

He came down early the next day. The memory of last night still very vivid in his mind. He could not sleep all night thinking about what transpired the evening before. It seemed now as if it was a dream, too surreal. He would never allow something like that to occur. And he kept going to the end of the dream right before the telephone rang and he couldn't help but wonder what would've happened if the phone hadn't rang.

He shudders as if to shake the reality from his mind of what would have happened because he knows how that dream would've ended had the phone not rang.

They were playing a game, a dangerous game from which there could be no return and for the hundredth time, Robert Ryan asks himself, 'how did I get here.

She came bounding down the stairs as if she didn't have a care in the world, a bundle of happy energy,

"good morning daddyo. You're up early."

Actually, it wasn't all that early at all, it was close to 11'00 am, but after months in self isolation, time didn't have the meaning, boundaries or restrictions as it had before. He noticed she was dressed like to go running when she suddenly asked him, I'm going for a run, whyncha come with me. It sounded like a good idea. Perhaps get rid of some of that nervousness he felt about last night.

She didn't seem at all as if she was concerned or even remembered last night. She was talking a mile a minute about everything under the sun and yet did not say one word about their experience the night before.

"Hey kiddo, wanna go for a run?"

"Yeah, sounds good, lemme go change."

The run took a good 45 minutes. It was one of those rare summer like days, 85 degrees and still in May. By the time they got back to the house the sun was high in the sky and Robert knew it was going to be a scorcher.

"Hey dad, it's a beautiful day, I think I'm gonna catch me some rays, get a bit of a tan, I'm turning whiter than a ghost. I'm gonna make me a shake, you want one?"

He answered in the affirmative and when she finished making the drink, put the blender in the sink and his and her shake in the fridge and turned back to her father,

"Dad, I'm gonna put on this bikini I bought on the internet. Now, it's no thong but, it shows quite a lot, probably the 'make daddy uncomfortable' kinda thing. I'm telling you this beforehand so if you think you can't handle it, then you can go lock yourself up in your room like a little boy."

It sounded to him as if she was daring him to come see her in her bathing suit.

She started walking away towards the stairs. He did not respond, for he could think of anything to say to something like that. He decided to stay inside in air conditioned comfort. Robert was not a sitting in the sun kinda guy. She came back down wearing his bathrobe, a magazine and a pair of shades.

"You should come join me if you think you can control yourself," she says with an obvious swish to her hips."

"That's ok, I'm going to go workout downstairs."

He was in the basement for about twenty minutes wrestling with the idea of going out back to see what she was wearing, when finally he convinced himself that he's thirsty and should go get the shake she left for him in the refrigerator. Upon going upstairs, he looks out the kitchen window.

The windows in the kitchen overlook the patio and the well-manicured lawn beyond. To the right of that is a short wall separating the patio from the lawn. Looking out the window, past the concrete patio, laying right in his line of vision is Kaily, lying on her stomach.

He stares at her intently, aware that she may intuitively feel his stare as women are wont to do. Normally, he would be worried that she may catch him, but her back is to him and so he stares.

It dawns on him that if she really didn't want him to see her, she would've gone a little further along the wall, which would have put her out of the line of sight of the windows.

He feels weird, staring at his daughter so intently and for so long. The word, 'sexual' comes to mind which makes him move away from the windows and get the shake from the fridge. But he soon finds himself in front of the windows again staring.

Although she is a good fifty feet away, he can see her clearly. She was right, it's not a thong, but it only covers half her butt, which means he can clearly see the round firmness of her. She's not turning white at all, as she had said. Her skin is the color of café con leche, with too much leche. A perpetual tan which she inherited from her mother which is accentuated by the jet black bathing suit covering half her ass.

Her raven silk like hair cascades down over her shoulders and lower back giving the impression she is naked on top. His eyes travel from her feet up her long legs to that perfect ass and takes in the small of her back. Her skin, so perfect, unblemished. He feels the smoothness of her as his fingers travel down her back, over the roundness of her....

He stays by the window staring at her, his eyes roving over her perfect body. He wonders what's happening to him, to her, to them. He never thought he'd be looking at his daughter the way he is and slowly tears himself from the vision before him and goes back downstairs to work out the pent up frustration which has been building up inside him for the past few weeks.

She has the distinct feeling she's being watched and turns her head towards the kitchen windows. To her disappointment there is no one there. She suddenly feels an emptiness inside.


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