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When he gets upstairs to his bedroom, she is already under the covers, sans the robe, which is lying on the floor next to the bed.

"whoa, whoa, whoa, pretty lady, you gotta go clean your mouth. You aint sleeping here with that funky breath."

"You a pain in the you know that" she says as she throws the covers off her and walks to the bathroom in all her glory. Although he has seen her naked in the last few weeks many times, each time he does, he cannot get over her beauty and raw sexuality.

He follows her to the sink and embraces her from behind, "Hey you, have I told you are the most beautiful woman on this earth?"

"maybe you have, but you could say it again." She giggles.

Back in bed, not a half hour goes by when she turns to him, "daddy, hold me, I'm beginning to feel a little queasy again and could you turn off the air conditioner please."

Robert knew the air conditioner was not on. He will have to call Celia first thing in the morning.

An hour goes by and he thinks she's sleeping when he hears her say, "daddy, I'm cold."

They have two blankets and a duvet on them. He's sweating. She's shivering.

Not knowing what to do, he turns her on her back and climbs on top of her so that he is covering her body with his while holding his weight up with his elbows, "how does this feel?"

"It's much better, you're so hot. It feels good."

Another hour passes and their naked bodies has created some heat under the blanket. Of course, after an hour of such closeness the inevitable cannot be avoided.


"Kaily," He shakes her this time.

Finally, she stirs, "uhhmmm,"

"you asleep?"

"I was until now."

"How you feeling?

"you woke me up to ask me how I'm feeling?" sounding a little annoyed.

"Yes, how you feeling?"

"I'm feeling good, better."

You're not cold or queasy?" He noticed she wasn't sweating anymore.


"you sure?"

"Yes, dad, I'm sure. I feel better, much better. And why you so hard? I thought you were supposed to be taking care of me, not perving on me.... and what are you planning on doing with that anyway?" she asks teasingly.

"Well, I was planning on putting it inside you. That is, if you're feeling better."

"In that case, I am feeling better, much better."

"good, then open your legs."

"You gonna fuck me?"

"yes I am. And whatever happened to making love?"

"ohh, daddy, that was before I knew how good fucking was."

Kaily had taken to using provocative language during her bouts of sexual awakenings for she enjoyed the naughty feelings that it inspired.

"you got a potty mouth,"

"I know." She replies as she opens herself for him, "It's your fault."

Her giggle is stifled by a sharp intake of breath, followed by a loud moan that emanates from deep in her throat, filling the room with its verocity.

She's loud. He loves that about her. She approaches lovemaking like she approaches life; head on - uncompromising, demanding, hungry, always hungry. Kaily Ryan does not do anything half ass.

Robert Ryan has had many thoughts about his daughter since she came back to live with him. In all fairness to him, it wasn't an all of a sudden sort of thing but progressed over the weeks and months of being in close proximity with her. Celia was the only woman he's ever been with sexually, so living with a fantasy girl wasn't easy. It brought about thoughts; thoughts he wasn't proud of, but thoughts nonetheless. And those thoughts gave rise to fantasies.

In those fantasies, he always imagined being with her, in a gentle, loving manner, soft and romantic, fatherly, so as not to hurt her. But unbeknownst to him, that would be far from the reality of it, because once she became a woman, the real Kaily Ryan emerged and it turns out, she is far from a dainty lover. She is of those rare breed of women who like it rough. Her lovemaking is not for the faint of heart as he soon discovered. She is wild and rough, like the free mustangs of the open prairie; impossible to tame, but well worth the effort.

His intentions at that moment were not to actually have sex with her, like for real, but rather, to just be inside her, while holding her as they drifted off to sleep together; a romantic notion he thought she'd appreciate, considering that just a short while ago, she wasn't feeling altogether well.

But Kaily, being Kaily, after a few minutes of him not moving, made her intentions very clear,


"yeah baby,"

"You gonna fuck me or what?"

Over the past few weeks, she had discovered her sexuality. They devoured each other every chance they had. He taught her how to use her mouth on him. She was a quick learner, an astute student. And she in turn, experienced the pleasures of his mouth upon her body that drove her to such levels of frenzy, making her wonder why she waited so long to become a woman.

And Kaily Ryan, virgin extraordinaire, began having feelings and emotional consciousness she could not explain. They say that most times, a woman falls in love with her first, and Kaily is surely no exception to this. Those emotions which she toyed with, with such casualness a few weeks ago, finally embraced her, engulfed her, seized her in its hold, and she realized, not too subtly, but more like thunder as it comes crashing down to earth, that she had unequivocally, irreversibly and unmistakably, fallen helplessly in love with the one man she should never have fallen in love with.


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