You want me to what?

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"Sammy!" Dean yelled out "we have a problem" Sam whipped his head around to see Belle "Get her to Loki!" Sam called back before Dean grunted as he ran forward stabbing demons he got to the balcony and looked around and spotted Thor he called for his attention. Thor looked up upon hearing his name and saw Belle and Dean standing on the balcony "Get Belle our of here!" Thor spun his hammer and flew up to the balcony he carefully wrapped his arm around Belles waist and Belle made sure John was secure before Thor took off again in search of Loki.

   Thor was mid air when he spotted Loki below him "BROTHER!" He boomed out Loki looked up just in time to see a demon slam into Thor causing him to drop Belle and John "GET JOHN" Belle screamed frantically to Thor who helplessly dived for the baby while Belle fell.
Loki let out a scream of devastation as he raced forwards in hopes of catching Belle

(I love this show!!!💔💔)Belle relaxed into the sensation of the air between her fingers although she couldn't be fully relaxed till she knew John was okay she looked over to see he was about to hit the ground and Thor wasn't going to make it in t...

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(I love this show!!!💔💔)
Belle relaxed into the sensation of the air between her fingers although she couldn't be fully relaxed till she knew John was okay she looked over to see he was about to hit the ground and Thor wasn't going to make it in time "NOoooo" she released a scream as she reached her hand out towards her baby, she turned her head looking straight up unable to watch her son hit the ground a tear fell from her face. She prepared to hit the ground but was surprised when she didn't, she looked around to see a green glow surrounding her. Belle turned her head and saw Loki running towards her yelling though she couldn't hear what he was saying. Once he reached her the glow disappeared and Loki pulled her close to him "are you okay?" He asked checking her over "I'm fine" she coughed out, "where's John" she said looking around frantically "Tony caught him" Loki told her "I never should've left you" Loki said kissing her head. "It's okay I'm fine" she said dusting herself off and quickly kissing Loki before thanking Tony and taking John and kissing his head in relief.
Belle quickly thanked Tony who nodded and flew above her making sure there weren't any demons coming, once he was sure Loki could handle it he went back up to help Sam and Dean who had started on the exorcism.

Loki lead Belle down an alleyway when suddenly they were once again surrounded by demons. Loki took his stance in front of Belle but was suddenly knocked out of the way hitting his head on a brick wall, he slid down holding his head in pain and confusion trying to hold onto conciseness. Belle looked helplessly over to her mate but her attention quickly turned back to the approaching demons, she crouched in a protective stance shielding John from the oncoming attack.
But it never came, Belle opened her eyes to see a light blue glow covering her and John causing the demons to hiss and retreat slightly. She looked around to see where or who it was coming from when she noticed her hands had the same blue glow coming from them she turned when she heard Loki's voice "magic" he coughed out. Belle looked to her hands again but was quickly distracted by the demons coming at her again she slammed her hands forwards and two blue energy balls shot out at the demons, the last remaining demon ran for Loki but Belle pushed one hand in a circle focusing on Loki and created a flicking motion with the other slamming the demon back causing it to retreat.
  Loki quickly stood and grabbed Belle into a side hug kissing her head. Belle looked up at Loki's head and gently touched his temple causing him to flinch "we need to get you to Bruce" she told him, Loki just nodded slightly and leaned on Belle who helped support his weight.

All my reign fans out there spoiler alert really quick but I was rewatching an episode and I realized that Lola and Francis baby is called John Philip aswell so oops

Bruce quickly checked Loki's head to make sure everything was okay before deciding to run some tests on Belle "Belle how would you describe what happened?" Bruce asked looking over some charts "I'm not sure I just remember shielding John opening my eyes and there was this blue energy almost shield like think surrounding us. Then when they started to re approach my brain was just screaming danger so I put my hands out in front of me and more blue energy orbs shoot out" "wow" Bruce said taking off his glasses to rub the bridge of his nose "well I figured out what's going on" Bruce spoke again. Loki walked over and put his arm around Belle pulling her into his side "it would seem that when you came back to earth your cells were rewritten causing the abnormalities it shorter terms your 'magic'" he put his fingers up in a quoting gesture around the word magic. "This resulted in energy magic, the energy shields and energy blasts are what you saw back there but according to this there are several more including mana manipulation, dynamokinesis, energy emission, energy manipulation and a form of electricity  manipulation. Basically what I'm trying to say Belle is your rewritten cells have given you energy powers." Bruce finally looked up from the chart and at Belle who sat holding her baby with her lips parted slightly, Loki looked down to gage her reaction and make sure she wasn't upset by the news. Everyone in the room waited a moment before a smile broke out on her face "awesome" she spoke softly Loki released a deep breath glad she was processing this news well. "Can you give us a minute" Belle asked Bruce who gave a slight nod and left the room to let Clint and Tony know Belle was okay. 

 The small girl turned to the god "what did you want to ask me?" she asked taking his hand in her own. Loki took a deep breath "Belle I want you to move to Asgard with." he finally rushed out. Belle released a sharp breath and dropped Loki's hand.

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