Not possible

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Nick rocked the small infant back and force but nothing he did made it stop crying and he was starting to loose his temper. He placed the boy in a nursery crib in the hospital and just left him there. He walked out to find Tony panicking "What's going on?" He questioned tiredly "someone leaked Belles death to the press and her body is missing from the room all that's left are her clothes" he mumbled half incoherently "What!?" Nick questioned but raced into the hospital room without waiting for an answer and sure enough her clothes lay on the bed but her body was nowhere to be found they were all frantic trying to find out what happened. Loki stood at the glass of the nursery staring and the baby he felt the need to hate it it didn't look like his mate it had hazel green eyes and jet black hair it's skin wasn't as pale as Belles but close enough, it had small ears at the side of its head that didn't stick out at all and a tiny button nose

 Loki stood at the glass of the nursery staring and the baby he felt the need to hate it it didn't look like his mate it had hazel green eyes and jet black hair it's skin wasn't as pale as Belles but close enough, it had small ears at the side of ...

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Thor walked over to his brother and clapped him on the shoulder "he's beautiful isn't he brother" the blonde god boomer solemnly "I hate it" the smaller god spat causing Thor to frown "that's your mates son brother she died for him" Thor reminded him. Loki's hard exterior faltered for a moment but he regained it quick as possible "her body has been taken brother we know not by who or why" Thor told him the reason for his visit for a moment Loki could hear her voice in his head "tears are NOT a sign of weakness they're a sign you've been strong to long it's okay to cry" her voice told him and so he did he looked at his brother and fell into his chest sobbing. Thor was shocked at first but soon adjusted to it and did his best to comfort his brother he silently called for Heimdall to send their parents.

We left the diner immediately after eating after getting some strange looks. Dean placed me back into the car with Sam and we headed of for the airport again with some rock softly blaring on the radio. There was a fluttering sound next to me and a slight breeze that I ignored before hearing a deep gravely voice "Hello" I shrieked a little and jumped in my seat causing Dean to nearly crash the car but he regained control quickly enough and turned down a little dirt road into the woods "what the hell Cas!" Dean spoke "my apologies but there was nothing to do for me in heaven" "Wait you came her because you were..bored?" Sam questioned skeptically "yes I guess you could say that" Castiel responded before turning to me and smiling with his big doe eyes "Hello Brielle" "hi Cas" I said pack calmly he looked me up and down slightly before disappearing. I looked around confused only for their to be a knock at my window I jump again and turn to see Castiel standing outside waiting the boys quickly got out of the car followed by Bobby "are you coming Brielle?" Castiel questioned I looked to my lap "I cant" I said defeatedly suddenly I was swept up into his arms and I let out a gleeful shriek by the feeling Cas placed me on the ground carefully balancing me before stepping back. He raised is hands out in my direction and a bright white light shot from them once it reached me it engulfed me and I was filled with a warm feeling I close my eyes and when I open them again we're in the middle of New York right in front of the avengers tower I turn to see Sam,Dean,Bobby and Castiel standing behind me.
I turned back to the tower and took a deep breath before I felt Dean grab my hand I have him a smile before we entered the tower together. I headed straight to the elevator and it brought me to the main floor without any questions from Jarvis. I stood off the elevator and heard a glass shatter I turned to see Steve standing there water and glass shards around his feet his face was extremely pale "what's the matter you look like you've seen a ghost" she smirked "who are you" he said "what Steve it's me Belle" I said slightly confused "if your Belle tell me something only she would know" Steve was increasingly on edge "you're scared of mice" I blurted out I heard Deans chuckle behind me followed by a slight ow from what only could he Sam smacking him. Suddenly Steve encased me in a bone crushing hug.

Hey guys I know it's short and it's been awhile but I wanted to get his chapter out fast for the few of you that actually read this book lol. I'll try and have a new chapter out ASAP
Sorry for any spelling or grammar errors.

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