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Soulmates: We're taught from when we're young that there is someone out there for everyone and as soon as you share a kiss with them they're mark will appear on your body many never find their soulmate but the few that do will tell you that bond is unbreakable and that mark will never disappear unless your soulmate should share a kiss with someone else in which case you will feel an extreme pain some even pass out as your mark is removed from your body.

"No I'm fine I promise" Belle said. Clint gave a slight nod before turning to Loki and Tony "we need to get back out there they just keep coming and I get the feeling evil canevil over here won't do crap" "Wait" Belle said she walked over to Loki "You don't have to do this. Please just call it off" Loki brought his hands up to her face "ok" he whispered while nodding before slowly leaning in and connecting their lips with a smile

Suddenly Loki was grabbed and being pounded into the ground by the hulk "puny god keep hands off little girl" "hulk stop" Belle commanded "bumble bee he bad guy" hulk whined "it's okay hulk put him down" she told him gently to which Hulk obliged "...

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Suddenly Loki was grabbed and being pounded into the ground by the hulk "puny god keep hands off little girl" "hulk stop" Belle commanded "bumble bee he bad guy" hulk whined "it's okay hulk put him down" she told him gently to which Hulk obliged "What the hell is going on here!" Clint demanded pointing between the two the rest of the avengers had joined to see what was taking so long "her arm" Natasha spoke up gesturing to Belle's left wrist

Suddenly Loki was grabbed and being pounded into the ground by the hulk "puny god keep hands off little girl" "hulk stop" Belle commanded "bumble bee he bad guy" hulk whined "it's okay hulk put him down" she told him gently to which Hulk obliged "...

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"They're soulmates" Steve gasped in wonder Tony stood there appalled his fifteen year old daughter was not only pregnant but she found her soulmate a thousand year old psychotic Norse god of lies. He didn't think his heart could take much more. But then he looked over at his daughter being shown her soulmates mark

Left forearm And he smiled slightly before noticing how skinny she was her cheeks were hollow her wrists bony that's when he remembered that she had only a month to live and he then remembered that there was an alien attack on New York "alright te...

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Left forearm
And he smiled slightly before noticing how skinny she was her cheeks were hollow her wrists bony that's when he remembered that she had only a month to live and he then remembered that there was an alien attack on New York "alright team we gotta get out there" Tony said gathering all their attention, Loki wrapped his arm around Belles waist and they held hands before turning to him

Left forearm And he smiled slightly before noticing how skinny she was her cheeks were hollow her wrists bony that's when he remembered that she had only a month to live and he then remembered that there was an alien attack on New York "alright te...

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"Belle you need to hide somewhere safe" Tony instructed her "where should I go?" She questioned the room "My lady I will take you somewhere safe" Thor offered putting his hand out she looked at Loki for confirmation and once he gave a slight nod she slowly slid her hand into his and propelled them away from the group while the others got ready to fight

Belle ended up next to Natasha and Selvig trying to shut down the portal there was a slight pain in her stomach but she didn't pay much attention "I can close it! Can anybody hear me? I can shut the portal down!" Nat yelled "Do it!" Cap screamed back "No wait!" Tony yelled back Belle was confused for a second but she yelled back to him "Tony those things are still coming!" "I got a nuke coming in it's gonna blow in less than a minute. And I know just where to put it." He replied heading for the portal "Stark you know that's a one way trip" Steve warned him "Tony wait" belle yelled "don't please I just got you back who's going to be here for my little girl when I'm gone" "I'm sorry Belle" he said not making any plans to turn around "Daddy please...." Belle whispered through her tears, it took everything in Tony not to cry "I love you" he said before flying straight into the giant hole in the sky. Belle ran as fast as she could to where the rest of the team and Loki waited looking at the sky she ran out with tears in her eyes and looked around for a minute before Loki pulled her close to him and they stared up at the gaping hole in the sky "close it" Steve spoke "no please don't!" Belle cried Loki held her back careful not to hurt her. "No please no" she screamed and then suddenly he appeared except he wasn't flying he was falling "he's not slowing down" Thor said getting ready to fly up and catch him but before he could the hulk jumped up and grabbed Tony bringing him back to the ground, Belle raced forwards and knelt down next to him ripping his mask off. She sobbed and laid her head on his chest and cried into it while Loki rubbed her back soothingly. Loki cried watching his soulmate cry, Belle turned to Loki and wrapped her arms around his neck and cried

Suddenly the Hulk roared and Belle let out a scream that drowned out Tony's scream "Whys the kid crying?" Tony questioned Belle turned around in shock before tackling Tong in a hug "your alive" she laughed through her tears Tony rubbed her back "y...

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Suddenly the Hulk roared and Belle let out a scream that drowned out Tony's scream "Whys the kid crying?" Tony questioned Belle turned around in shock before tackling Tong in a hug "your alive" she laughed through her tears Tony rubbed her back "yeah kid I'm alive, What the hell? What just happened? Please tell me nobody kissed me?" Steve chuckled a little "we won" he breathed "Alright. Hey. Alright. Good job, guys. Let's just not come in tomorrow. Let's just take a day. Have you ever tried shawarma? There's a shawarma joint about two blocks from here. I don't know what it is, but I wanna try it." Tiny gasped out making everyone laugh slightly "I love you dad" belle whispered in his ear, Tony smiled and just kissed the top of her hair.

The team stood to walk to shawarma and Belle clutched her stomach slightly "hey belle you okay?" Clint questioned "hmmm yeah I'm fi- aaaaaaaahhhhhh" Bella started but ended in a scream they all rushed to her sides "it hurts, it hurts making it stop it hurts" she begged clutching her stomach

The team stood to walk to shawarma and Belle clutched her stomach slightly "hey belle you okay?" Clint questioned "hmmm yeah I'm fi- aaaaaaaahhhhhh" Bella started but ended in a scream they all rushed to her sides "it hurts, it hurts making it sto...

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"She's in labor" Natasha exclaimed "no I'm not ready to let her go I just got her back!" Tony screamed while Steve and Thor helped get Belle to a shield copter.

Belle StarkWhere stories live. Discover now