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John lay on Belles bed crying while she tried to calm him and unpack her things. She ran her fingers through her hair stressed,"what!what do you want" she was near tears now she had tried everything to soothe the baby and nothing had worked. She picked him up once more bouncing him up and down for the fifth time. "What is it?,is it me?" She questioned the small baby in her arms when a smooth voice spoke from the doorway "of course it's not you" she inhaled slowly closing her eyes hearing the intoxicating voice she'd been avoiding for the past day and a half. She finally turned around to meet the piercing green eyes. "Hi" the smooth voice breathed she nodded in acknowledgment not knowing what to say "may I" he tried again gesturing to the baby,Belle nodded slowly before handing her son to Loki and quickly turning to start unpacking when she hears the cry's stop. Belle whips around catching Loki of guard " did you do that" she said gesturing to the baby "do what I just held him" Loki replied panicked "fantastic" she said exasperated "my own son already hates me" she fell back onto the bed exhausted "no he doesn't hate you" Loki tried to reassure her "yes he does" she replied matter of factly "here" Loki began "support his head and sway him gently" he finished softly handing the baby off to Belle. The young girl slowly rocked the small baby "I'm doing it!" Belle cheered softly. Loki smiles fondly as she placed the now sleeping baby onto her bed safely between two pillows "Belle I'm so sorry.. I want you to know that the man who killed Agent Coulson-" "is not the man that stands before me" Belle cut him off "Loki I know, I know that you knowing what you know now would never do any of the things you did which is why I'm going to forgive you because I believe that, that man is not my soulmate is not the  man I'm starting to fall in love with" she smiled up fondly at him wrapping her arms around his neck. Loki released a deep breath "how did I get so lucky" "you must've done something right" she smiled her stark humor shining through "Belle I want to ask you something?" Loki was nervous suddenly "what is it?" Belles face got serious. Loki began to speak when J.a.r.v.i.s interrupted "I'm sorry Ms.Barton, but it would seem the Winchester's are in the lobby causing a commotion" Belle could sense the slight annoyance in the robots voice "okay I'm on my way" she whispered softly. She quickly placed a kiss on Loki's cheek "We'll talk later" she told him and skipped away happily to the lobby.

"I'm telling you we know Belle Stark!" Deans voice boomed followed by Sams telling him to calm down as he was drawing attention to them. Belle got of the elevator and approached the desk "Gentleman what's the problem" Belle asked once she reached the security desk, the security officer without looking up started to explain to Belle "these gentlemen claim to be friends of Belle Stark but as I was trying to tell them Ms.Stark unfortunately passed away three days ago and since they don't have Id there's nothing I can do" he grumbled fed up already "Well, Jacob" there was a pause as Belle leaned forwards to check his name tag "I think there is someone you could ask" she informed him "and who would that be Miss" he still failed to look up "me" "and who might you be?" The security guard was slowly loosing patience "Hey buddy if I were you this is when I would look up" Dean told the security guard. The guard looked up and got wide eyed upon seeing Belle standing there. "Hi Jason is it?" Belle was overly sweet this time "J-Jacob Ms.Stark" the security guard was nervous suddenly "Well Jacob can we get two passes made for my friends here?" "Yes Ma'm what names should I put down" "No names just put down they're my private guests, please" "of course. I'll have them ready by the time they leave" "just have them sent up to the penthouse Jacob, thank you" "Yes M'am" the security guard got busy immediately and Belle turned to her guest "Gentlemen, shall we?" She asked but began walking anyway. Sam and Dean looked at each other before rushing after Belle.

Belle StarkWhere stories live. Discover now