Your what?

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Belle slowly woke to the sound of people yelling her name, she didn't open her eyes she didn't move. Suddenly there came a soft gasp and she heard a familiar voice calling someone over "Happy, over here" Pepper that was Pepper's voice, that's when Belle heard another gasp it was deeper. That's when she noticed how cold she was and it would seem Pepper noticed asnwell "she must be freezing" The women mumbled softly looking at the girl almost frozen in place. Belle felt someone place something over her and that's when her eyes fluttered open to see a very concerned Happy Hogan placing his jacket over her, he didn't seem to notice her eyes were open as he reached to pick up the small girl "No!" Belle yelped suddenly surprising everyone including herself "Belle, honey we need to get you to a hospital" Pepper told her softly "no don't touch me" Belle said trying to get further away but she winced at the pain in between her legs. "Belle you can't walk and you need help" Pepper tried to be firm in her statement but Belle was not having it " please no don't want" she mumbled incoherently. That's when Happy spoke up "Belle, look at me" he was soft but firm, Belle turned her head to see Happy had stepped back and his hands were raised to where she could see them. "Belle, I would never try hurt you I promise. It's me Uncle Happy" he slowly lowered one of his hands where she could still see. Belle slowly put her hand in Happy's and he slowly rubbed his thumb over the back of her hand. Belle nodded slowly and Happy picked her up quickly bringing her to the car.

After being at the hospital and having invasive pictures taken Belle was brought to an interrogation room at the local police station. Pepper and Happy waited outside while Belle finished filling out a report form. A few minutes later two officers came in and sat down reading over the form she had just filled out. Belle sat there uncomfortably for a few minutes before the officers finally decided to speak to her "It say's here you were wearing a dress?" he asked in an almost condescending tone. Belle just nodded at first before finding her voice "" she replied shakily. "Can you stand up and show me how long the dress was" he phrased it like a question but Belle knew it wasn't, she stood up and gestured to her mid thigh before quickly sitting back down. The officers looked at each other before turning back to Belle, "Ms.Stark" the officer began "Not only was your dress incredibly short, but you were drunk and just standing in this alley at four a.m. Please tell me how you weren't asking for that?." Belle was silent she didn't know what to say, the second officer took this as his chance to speak up "Ms.Stark were you 'raped' or do you just regret what you did and are looking for a way out" he spoke to her as if she was a five year old being punished for drawing on the wall. Belle stumbled trying to find her words, "I think were done here" the first officer said getting up leaving Belle sitting there wrapping Happy's jacket around her tighter.

 Pepper stood up when the officers exited the interrogation room "Is she okay? that was fast" she rambled out. "Thank you for coming Ms.Potts but we have no evidence to even believe that Ms.Stark was attacked" the bored officer barely looked at the pair before walking away. Belle exited the interrogation room with a blank look in her eyes to see Happy screaming at any officer in sight "let's just leave" she quickly put on a pair of sunglasses and prepared to go outside into the paparazzi storm. Pepper looked at her concerned at the bored tone Belle held but what she failed to notice was the few stray tears escaping her eyes. The trio left the police station with Happy and Pepper shielded Belle from any photographs or questions. 

 Belle entered the mansion and quickly raced to her bedroom shedding Happy's jacket and her underwear racing to the shower, she quickly began to violently scrub her body under hot water until her skin was red she tried to avoid looking at her body. The small girl cried silently as she cleaned her skin not caring how hot the water was or J.A.R.V.I.S'S warnings about how hot the water was. She turned off the shower and went to open the curtain as her hand shook she just sank to the corner bringing her knees up to her chest and her hand up to her throat rubbing her bruise, she felt as if she was being choked again and she couldn't manage to take in air. That's when J.A.R.V.I.S spoke up "Ms.Belle should I activate the 'calm Belle' protocol?" he asked in his soothing British accent. Belle struggled to respond which the A.I took as a positive and initiated the protocol Tony had set up when Belle was only six years old, the lights in the room dimmed and J.A.R.V.I.S voice became quieter as 'Here comes the sun' by The Beatles began to play at a low volume he also sent an alert to Happy and Pepper in the living room. It took a minute but Belle was no longer struggling to breathe and the ringing in her ears stopped, she brought her hand away from her throat and hugged her knees. After another minute passed she got up and wrapped a towel around her body before unlocking her bathroom door to be greeted by Pepper entering her room "Belle!" she shouted in relief causing Belle to flinch at the volume of the blondes voice. Ignoring Pepper asking what was wrong and exited her room heading towards Tony's room, she locked the door behind her and grabbed one of Tony's shirt out of his drawer and put it on before sliding on a pair of shorts and some fluffy socks she had gotten from her room. The small girl with the same empty look in her eyes slid under the blanket of the bed and pulled it up over her head slightly then turned to face the wall just staring at it. She heard Pepper and Happy knocking but she didn't make a move to open it, a few seconds later J.A.R.V.I.S let them in. Happy knelt in front of her "you wanna talk?" he asked her softly, Belle shook her head "you wanna be alone?" Happy asked in the same tone Belle shook her head again and Happy lay on the bed next to her.

Belle StarkWhere stories live. Discover now