JP? Part 2

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Belle led the two men to the elevator and they stepped on. They finally had time to take in her appearance she still looked frail and sick but now she was wearing a casual business suit and seemed far more confident as if she was in her element, her hair was pulled back almost effortlessly yet elegantly. "So Belle we miss anything while we were gone" Dean quipped over the soft elevator music "in the day you were gone, no" Belle laughed slightly "how was your hun?" Belle asked them "same old same old. Ghost of some lady seeking revenge on cheating ex by hanging all the other chicks he dates" Dean told her nonchalantly. "Yes the usual" Belle rolled her eyes. They stepped of the elevator into the penthouse where Castiel was waiting, Belle approached him and kissed him on the cheek and gave him a quick hello. "So where's John" Sam said looking around excitedly "Sleeping"Belle told him "finally" she added on, thats when she noticed something on Deans neck just below his ear "did you get a tattoo Dean?" Belle questioned "oh yeah we both did" Sam said pulling down his sleeve to show the same two letters on his wrist at the same time Dean pulled down his shirt collar for an easier view. Belle gently traced the letters on Deans neck "JP?" She questioned the boys "John Philip" Dean told her, Belle stepped back shocked for a second before pulling the two boys into a hug. "My love?" Loki had entered the room seeing what was taking so long. "Hey" She pulled away and attached herself to Loki's side and nestled in comfortably "you guys remember Loki right?" She smiled up at her mate before turning to the two brothers "of course, nice to see you again man" Sam nodded to him "and" Loki added on the midgaurdian lingo to the end though it sounded foreign coming from his tongue. Belle giggled slightly at the disgusted tone he lingered on the end of his sentence. "The boys were just showing me there new tattoos" Belle told him "oh that's great love, but I was hoping to talk to you about-" he was cut off once again by Natasha stepping off the elevator out of breath looking around frantically before her eyes landed on Belle.

She had gone straight back to s.h.i.e.l.d after Belle died not wanting to deal with the emotions that came with it, "Belle" she all but yelled racing forwards and gathering her up in her arms, she kissed the top of her head almost frantically. Steve walked into to the room with a now shrieking John in his arms "Belle" Steve called in confusion not knowing what to do with the baby, Belle pulled away from Natasha and took John from the blonde and started rocking forwards Tony and Bruce entered the room arguing "Bruce I'm telling you it's x-6(75)"(idk science I guess) "no Tony it's x+6(75)" Clint trailer in behind them "I got Abraham Lincoln..for some reason, I don't-" he was cut of by Tony "Clint this is why I said you wouldn't get the problem" Loki looked around the once quite room in disbelief all he wanted was two minutes to talk to his soulmate. Before he could even finish his thought the smoke alarm went off from the kitchen and Thor emerged looking apologetic "My lady I'm very sorry, I was trying to work your oven of toasters" Tony was now ignoring Bruce and getting mad at Thor for lighting his kitchen on fire while Bruce and Clint argued over why Clint wasn't allowed to attempt the equation Natasha was questioning Dean and Castiel over what they were doing leaving Sam to try and extinguish the growing kitchen fire while Belle rocked John.

Loki's patience was growing thin,Belle could sense this and walked over to him she quickly placed a kiss on his cheek and called the attention of the room "Thor,it's fine accidents happen,Tasha,Sam and Dean are my guests and Sam thank you for putting out said fire, Tony and Bruce you're both wrong the answer is x+6(-75) you forgot to cross multiply. Clint, I don't know how you got Abraham Lincoln, I'm making chicken pie for dinner before you ask" Clint did a celebratory fist bump causing Belle to smile at him before turning to Loki "now what did you want to ask me?" "Belle" Loki started before he was interrupted by Dean "Um Belle, Bef-" "Dean wait one minute. Hold the baby for me" she quickly handed the newborn to Dean and turns back to Loki taking his heads "Belle your my soulmate and I'm falling in love with you... and I think you feel the same which is why" "HIT THE DECK" came Dean booming voice. Suddenly all the windows shattered and in flew a group of people with black eyes "who the hell are these people" Steve asked "Demons" Sam told him "dammit Cas said this would happen!" Dean announced he rushed into a huddle with everyone while the demons got there bearings "Belle take John and run, Stark anyway for you to change what your suit shoots?" "Yeah I can get bullets" Tony said "actually I think holy water would be more efficient. Oh and Barton dip the tips of your arrows in some as well. Hulk dude I need you to go pray to the angle Castile please, it's probably better you don't hulk out right now anyway" Bruce and Tony rushed off to the lap to suit up and pray Clint ran after them. "Red head make sure Belle and John get to safety." Loki tried to object but Sam interrupted "you and Thor need to secure anyone in the building make sure they get to safety, the demons are here for Belle but they take what they can get" Loki relented and him and Thor jumped out the window. "Alright Sam lets go" Sam and Dean leaped into action and Nat lead Belle to her room where she quickly grappled a swaddle for John and attached him to her front so she could run safer.

I'm gonna make this chapter extra long cause I've been gone for a while so here you go!

Natasha led Belle to the staircase quickly but silently, Belle clutched John to herself and ran after Natasha. They began running down the stairwell when two Demons jumped down in front of Natasha, Natasha began to fight them off but quickly realized she was out of her element "Belle you need to take John back upstairs" Belle nodded and quickly turned and started banging on the stair well door but she couldn't get it open. Sam and Dean were upstairs fighting off demons when Tony came in his suit and began shooting holy water and demons causing them to retreat slightly. Dean grabbed something out oh his pocket and began drawing a demon trap on the ground
"Try trap them in here" that's when he heard Belles yells and bangs and rushed bag to the stairwell and opened the door. Belle rushed out "they're in the stairwell" she told him "shit!" Dean cursed under his breath "stay close to me okay?" Belle nodded

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