You Knew

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Fury entered the room to find a heavily pregnant Belle crying into Coulsons chest. "Belle whats wrong?" He asked rushing forwards "Did you know?" She said turning to him tears streaming down her face "Know what?" He asked "Don't lie!" She said slamming her hands on the table "yes" fury breathed our after a few seconds "You knew you fucking knew and you didn't tell me! How could you" She said slamming on his chest. Everyone in the room was staring this didn't go unnoticed by Belle but she ignored and turned back to the man in front of her "You always do this why is it so hard to see Fury if I cut myself I bleed I'm just like you your like me imperfect and human" she turned to the agents all gawking at her "I'm on display for all you fuckers to see" she said spreading her arms out in line either side. "Belle calm down" Fury tried to reason but she ignored turning to Natasha "Mommy why do I feel sad should I give him away or feel this bad?" She questioned Romanoff "No no no don't you choke" Natasha said. Belle then turned to Phil "Daddy chimed in?" She asked him "Go for the throat" Phil told her and she left the room looking like a woman on a mission. "Where's the small one going?" Thor asked "Probably to kill your brother" Natasha answered. After hearing Thor rushed out to stop her and Phil chased after him.
Time Skip cause I don't know what to write
Loki dropped Thor from the helicarrier and was waking away from Phil when he spoke "You're gonna lose" he coughed out Loki turned back "Am I?" He said I'm faux fear. "It's in your nature." He barely manages to speak "your heroes are scattered your floating fortress falls from the sky..." He lists "Where's my disadvantage? "You lack conviction" Phil told him "I fail to see how I..." Loki began but was cut off as Belle woke up from her place on the floor where she had be forgotten. "Phil!!" She said rushing forwards applying pressure to his wound "Your gonna be ok" she assured "HELP I NEED A MEDIC" she screamed tears in her eyes. Phil reached up to touch her face but before he could a cloud of green smoke surrounded her and she disappeared. He looked around only to spot Loki holding her bridal style "Now this one could be useful" Loki spoke menacingly "Let her go" Phil growled " I don't think I will" Loki said teleporting away

Stark tower
Belle woke up on a couch she didn't recognize her hands immediately went to her stomach. "I didn't take the infant out of you with magic I'm not a monster" a voice spoke from across the room, she looked over to see Loki standing there "I wouldn't be so sure about that I mean you did invade earth kidnap a bunch of people blew up a base nearly killed an old man killed Phil Coulson! The list goes on" she replied she tried to stand though it was with great difficulty. Loki surprised himself by rushing forwards to assist her "My lady please don't strain yourself" he said helping her to her feet "I'm fine honestly" Belle said calmly. Loki and Belle were both surprised by how gentle they were with each other. " Why did you take me" She asked walking over to the window. Loki walked a few feet behind her. "I didn't want you to get hurt my business has nothing to do with you it's for those so called superhero's" "I appreciate it." She said. She placed her hand on the window "Where are we?" Loki was shocked by the question "This is Stark tower this is your home?" "I don't live here" she said sadly

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