Chapter three

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D: hey guys so before you all could rant at me on how cruel I am for leaving you all hanging in there, I just wanna say,

*Bows down a perfect 90°* I am so so sorry everyone, but I just can't help it!

Anyways I know you might be confuse but I am going to make a major timeskip to where team 7 got the mission to wave and then everything will hopefully start in there or you could say in the wave part would be where it all began and as a matter of fact I know you all had already connected the dots on what his dream is about.

Anyways on with the story shall we?


Naruto's pov

It had been a week or was it months? That have passed by after that weird dream of mine happened but I still can't distinguish what the voices said about their location.. it was all scratchy and I guess you could say hazy?

"Sasuke at point A hn"

"Kyah Sasuke-kun your so cool!"

"Sakura! What's your location?"

"Uhmm Sakura Haruno here at point B"




"Naruto! Where are you?!!"

"Naruto point A, though no need to worry, I already have the target in my hands" I said trough the communicators while petting Tora gently and rubbing under his/her chin (I honestly don't know what's tora's gender is so feel free to point it out to me)

"Target with red ribbon on the right/left ear?(again I don't know if it's true so feel free okay?)"
Kakashi asked looking quite curious on how did I caught Tora so easily

"Affirmative" I said then after that we went back to the village and into the hokages office.

I had always been a genius when I was still a kid, so it's not surprising  to know that the villagers harbored a deep hatred towards me but I always shrug it off like it was nothing but then 'he' came and changed everything, he told me why, he told me how and became my teacher as well as surrogate father to me. And I never would have thought I would miss his old looking fragile presence....

"Hokage-sama mission capture Tora the cat has been a success"
Bakashi said while smiling a closed eye smile

The hokage smiled back and started to rummage trough his desk to find any sort of available d rank missions.

I'm not gonna lie, at this rate we won't have the experience to face a foe who is clearly stronger than you and that would only increase our chances of dieng on our first c rank mission if we're not careful.

Sasuke I could understand that at least he would still have a chance of living but Sakura? I doubt that.

She's the weakest among all of us and she would just drag us down
I mean it's not like I really hate her entirely, it's just that she has the potential to become a great konuichi but she just waste it into fangirling and fantasizing about Sasuke who clearly doesn't even like her.....

Girls I'll never understand how can they switch mood so fast.

"Hmm well we have another d rank here like cleaning the house, babysitting,and----"

Before he could finish them all I cut him off by forming an X with my hands.

(Guys I don't know if this is what Naruto said, God I'm starting to become like muichiro but not at his level of forgetting)

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