Chapter seven

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D: by the way thats how Naruto look like without his whiskers and all.

Ain't he hot? 😉😍😍 Like hot damn

Anyways congrats to all of you from reaching in to this part! Hope you all are excited!!

Cuz we are about to enter the all awaited reveal!!!

Hope you all would like this story so far

And my God!!300 + reads? I am shock! Never before did I have a book that reach 300+ reads with only seven parts of the story


Hopefully you enjoy this too as much as I enjoy writing this for you all reader(s)!

N: why do you always put (s) into reader? When clearly there are many people reading this dattebayo? Damn it I thought I got rid of the verbal tic?

K: it will always stay with you idiot

D: okay that's enough banter

*Claps hand and look at you*

Are you excited?

R: (put your response here)

D: then what are we waiting for?

On with the story shall we? ^__<

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Last time~

I held mine with excitement grinning from ear to ear like an idiot walking towards my apartment and laying down in my bed.

' hee this is going to be fun's

Was the last thing I thought before I drifted off to lala land.


Naruto's pov

I woke up from my sleep and summond a clone to cook while I bath to get ready for the day to train my ass of.

"I'm getting rusty aren't I kurama?"

" That you are, now after this I want you to follow this training regemin, no buts no ifs no coconuts now after you finish that regemin, I want you to come here.


Have something to tell you about, and it's important"

" Huh? What's the matter kurama? Tell me already so that I won't forget it"

"Later, now finish eating already so that you could finish training early"

' kurama sure is grumpy today, I wonder why? The tone of his voice says it's urgent '

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