Chapter Sixteen

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Hey sorry guys for the wait

I had to think of something to put in these but I had no clue why so I started to just chill out my mind and started to play a game called obey me.

It was freaking cool and awesome when I played it, it had only been 8 freaking weeks since I started to play it and I loved it really much.

The seven demon brothers in which I technically choose Mammon the avatar of greed cuz he's so freaking tsundere.

He doesn't like something but in the inside his freaking loving my freaking attention!!!! Such a tsun-tsun

Anyways, if your a gurl and likes ikemen boys, then download this now!!! Their voice are pretty hot too.

It's actually up to you gurl readers to download it, and since I am sometimes bored when not playing obey me online, I wanna try playing among us......

Im actually curios as to how good it is since I saw a tiktok edit from YouTube

Anyways, can someone tell me how to make a discord? Cuz I don't really know how,

I am such uninformed when it comes to digitals and future trends and I am not lying when I said to my freind what does rp even mean 😅

On with the story shall we?

Last time~

" Are you suggesting that I have caught feelings for her? Pfft kurama your so funny, remember when I said to you that I don't even know how it feels like to love and to be loved? Yeah, I don't think I would be catching some feelings for her anytime soon "

' oh kit, if only you knew, if only '

Line break======/////

It was Saturday in the morning

Birds were chirping happily flying in the air.

Villagers opening their stores and being busy with their own work

Ninjas patrolling the borders making sure everyone is safe from harm

And an alarm clock blaring it's annoying sound in a certain apartment which earn the alarm a rightfully throw to the right causing for it to be smashed down and never make an annoying sound ever again though it was only temporary

The person who throw it sighed and glared at the smashed alarm while grumbling incoherent words

" I will murder you and your family you damn annoying alarm "
They angrily said

They stand up and went towards the bathroom still mumbling profanities

~10 minutes passed

They were still half awake and half asleep so by the time they realized that the cup was almost full

The hot water already poured out causing for them to experience a slight burn in their skin

Hanako's pov

I hissed at the sensation that the hot water send through my fingers and hurriedly tried to cool off my slightly burned hand

" Damn it, guess I had to be careful the next time I pour hot water in the cup for me to be able to even drink a coffee " I mumbled to myself now fully awakened due to the stinging sensation in my fingers

My hair was still dripping wet and was still wrapped in a towel

While sitting in the chair in my balcony's room and looking through the village noticing how it was peaceful here

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