From the ashes they rose

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The wall was identical to the ones that made up the maze. Thomas felt sick to his stomach almost like he would either puke or pass out, or maybe even both. When Evans got to the wall she looked on either side, no way around it. The wall stretched out as far as the eye could see. Newt and Minho caught up to Evans. Evans shook her head fanatically.

"No no no!" She screamed. "This is not how it's suppose to end! It can't just be a dead end!" Newt grabbed Evans into a hug.

"Hey we'll find a way out. I promise. We will get through this." Newt said calmly, trying not to sound angry even though deep down he was beyond furious. Mummers grew very loud from the group of survivors. They were in the middle of space looking at the jungle. The three of them ran up to see what was going on. Thomas in the front. A boy was walking towards them through the jungle. He was very tall and muscular with brown hair and piecing eyes like Evans. This caught Evans own eyes. She said nothing.

"Newt please tell me you aren't seeing what I'm seeing." Minho said.

"I see Jack." Newt replied, his face had turned white.

"What's wrong with Jack?" Asked Evans. "I don't recall you guys ever meeting him."

"We met him in the maze." said Newt.

"But how do you know him?" Asked Minho. Evans took a deep breath.

"He's my brother." She said blowing out.

"I hate to be the carrier of bad news but your brother died in that maze, almost a year ago. I watched him die in front of me." Evans shook her head.

"That's impossible." Evans said quietly. Without another word she walks to the boy meets him in the middle. The boy smiles. "How are you here?" Asked Evans to him, her voice cracking, trying to fight tears. Jack's sweet innocent smile was replaced with an almost psychotic smirk.

"Guess what little sister I'm not alone." More murmurs and gasps came from behind as more people were coming through the jungle. Minho took a step forward, as if touching a tripwire, set Jack off. Jack lunged to Evans, the struggle was quick, Jack was too strong compared to Evans. He had Evans in a choker hold. A small laugh came from Jack.

"No but move or I will break this pretty little girl's neck." he hissed. The people had come close enough to see their faces. Minho and Newt looked at each other in shock.

"All of those people have died. How is that possible!" Minho said to Newt. Newt lost his breath when he laid eyes on his former partner and best friend, Alby, beside Ben. Thomas began to feel a faint as he looked and met the eyes of his first friend, Chuck. Chuck's eyes were dead and he did not acknowledge Thomas's existence. As if an army, the entire mass of people halted in sync.

A boy emerged himself past the lines of people with ropes in his hands, Jack released Evans of his hold and pushed her to the boy. Evans looked into the eyes of her old friend, she had killed, Philip. Evans looked at him awestruck she didn't move. Philip looked at her as if looking at a stranger. The boy began putting a series of intricate knots around Evans, ankles, wrists connecting to the one around her neck.

"Don't fight back or we'll kill you." said Philip as if he wasn't the one speaking, the words sounding of that of a robot. Philip moved her to the nearest tree and hung her there, but not by her neck she hung by her wrists. "As soon as you no longer have the will to keep yourself up, you will hang yourself." Jack turned to the gladers and survivors.

"Kill them all, just like we were told." Jack said. As if a bomb went off the army began running to the survivors with all sorts of weapons. Newt looked at Minho and Thomas. As if reading his mind they nodded. Thomas lifted his spear and yelled the words no one wanted to hear.

"Attack." Minho, Newt, and Thomas were the first people to start running, everyone else followed suit. Newt bumped Minho.

"Go get Evans, you and I both know you can get there faster." Newt ordered. Minho nodded, and began sprinting. Evans was about 40 yards away. But a giant army lay between him and her. A big man, swung an axe at Minho as he came sprinting his way. Minho slid on his knees and ducked underneath the swinging axe. But Evans was still a ways aways, many people stood in Minho's path.

Sweat was beading up on Evans forehead. She grunted with the effort to keep herself up. Evans let out a cry as her arms began to shake. She knew she could not give up, but also that she wouldn't be able to stay there much longer. Her arms began to shake more and more. Evans struggled to try to pull herself up a little more, but it was too much. With that her arms gave way.

After the Maze: Phase 2Where stories live. Discover now