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Minho popped up beside Evans. Evans grabbed Minho's and Newt's hand and bolted, jerking them forward. As soon as they got running she released their hands. The screams of people behind them, ringed in Evans's ears. But she kept running in the black of night till she grass was up to her legs, they had reached the end of the trail, where the undiscovered jungle lay. Newt heard Evans pull out her machete. Minho had brought a spear along, he held it tight as did Newt with his. Snap of twigs came from the trail, the first thought was animal. But grabbed Minho and Newt to stop them, they heard panting from a small distance.

Before Evans could say anything, something was on top of her. She screamed, a hand covered her mouth. Human. Not an animal. The person stood up.

"Everyone else is behind me I wanted to try to find you three." said the voice, Thomas. Shrieking of the creatures began to die down. Light became near, the Teresa came running with a torch.

"I'm sorry but I led them away from everyone, they are coming this way." She apologized. Glowing eyes began to appear and the creaking of their limbs, as the ran towards the 5 of them. Newt stepped in front of Evans and Teresa. Evans moved his shoulder and stood beside him.

"No way am I gonna let you protect me, as I hide helpless behind you. You can do that to Teresa all you want, but if anything you get behind me." The glowing eyes came closer as soon as Evans could see the creature she threw her machete and hit it straight between the eyes. She ran over and grabbed her machete quickly, a black ooze was covering it, Evans wiped it on her knee. She spun the machete around.

"Let's do this." Minho huffed. A whole pack began charging towards them, Evans in the front. The first ape in the front of the pack, lunged in the air to Evans. With a swing and a duck the ape fell to the ground, it's head detached. More began to attack targeting Evans. Minho threw his spear at ape hitting it in temple, there four apes attacking Evans, while only two tried to overpower the boys. The boys quickly killed the two apes. When they all looked to Evans, she was standing, with all the apes dead around her. She cleaned her machete once more.

"Still don't think I can handle myself?" Evans pushed her machete into her holster, stepped over an ape, and began walking back to their camp. Minho jogged after her.

The camp was an absolute disaster. It was as if a tornado and tore through camp. One medjack ran up to Evans and gave her a report.

"We lost ten men, and fourteen injured. Nothing severe." he replied. Evans nodded.

"We move out at dawn, get as much shut eye as possible." Evans went back to the place she was sleeping, before the unexpected visitors. Minho followed suit, close to Evans.

Within 20 minutes almost everyone was asleep. Evans stared into the fire, moving her spear in between her hands. A quick movement from across the fire caught her eye. She looked up, the boy she had saved from the helicopter in the fire, was moving. Evans dropped her spear and quickly ran over to his side. She poured a bit of her water from her canteen on her sleeve and blotted his large cut on his forehead. The boy opened his eyes, his eyes though just waking up were filled with panicked. He sat up quickly and scooted away from Evans.

"Where am I?" The boy asked very loudly. Evans shushed him.

"Stay quiet, everyone is trying to sleep. No one is going to hurt you I promise. Just please don't wake anyone." Evans said. The boy had medium brown skin, and black hair, his eyes were odd, they were a light brown. He calmed down but didn't not move closer to Evans. "Here let's start again, I'm Evan Reece, everyone calls me Evans. This gang of guys you see, I'm the leader. What's your name?"

"I'm Ian, um I honestly can't tell you anything else I don't remember anything. What happened?" The boy asked.

"Ian, you crash landed here in a helicopter. A raging fire start and I got you out of it. No one knows how on earth it was even flying you were in the passenger seat. I think it's best that you just go to back to sleep. At dawn we're heading out." Evans stood up and walked back to where she sat. As she slowly rested back up against he tree she and Newt had been leaning on, Newt woke up.

"You ok?" He asked half asleep. Evans nodded. Newt straightened up on the tree. He set his head on top of hers and yawned. Evans put her head on his shoulder and fell asleep. Newt had finally woken up, he began to mull over everything that had happened over the last couple of days.

How he got her and met a girl, that had known him his entire life, that he couldn't remember. A girl that was in love with him. That he loved back. Newt went deeper in to thought. How did he know he loved her? Was it instinct? Or was he just thinking he was? He continued to process all this through his head till dawn. Everyone began to wake up and get ready for a full days walk.

Everyone assembled quickly knowing Evans was done waiting. Just as they began Evans led the way with Minho on one side and Newt on the other. After a while of walking, Ian pushed through the crowd and walked in between Newt and Evans.

"Where are we going Evans?" He asked. Minho and Newt, having never seen Ian awake, looked at each other in confusion.

"I have no clue but I would really like to keep the animal attacks to a minimum of none. So we need to pick up the pace." Evans replied.

For the rest of the day, the survivors jogged on stopping for meals and continuing. Till mid evening, something that made all the gladers feel sick, hit.

"No way." Minho said. Evans sprinted to what they also before them. There was a break in the jungle at last but before they could see endless field there stood a nightmare. A giant wall.

After the Maze: Phase 2Where stories live. Discover now