Split down the middle

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Evans hit the ground hard. She quickly did not question what had just happened and pulled the ropes off of her and pulled out her machete. Minho halted to a stop as he got to her. He grabbed his spear that was stuck in the tree with a piece of rope in between the tree and blade.

"It's a good thing I don't miss either." Minho smirked. Reality quickly came back to Minho and Evans as Philip and another man came lunging to them. Philip had a short machete in his hand and began an attempt to stab Evans.

"Philip please, don't make me do this again." Evans said, trying to get to through to the friend that once was there. Philip smiled a smile full of evil.

"Sorry, but Philip is gone, he saw to that yourself." he hissed. Evans lunged to Philip and made contacting embedding her blade in to his chest. He let out a gasp, Evans pulled Philip toward her.

"That makes it much easier to feel no pain about you." She pulled the blade from Philip and let him fall. Minho had overpowered his enemy and was fighting others. It was as if no one could injure him or come close to touching him.

Jack noticed this, and ran with his thresher ready to kill the unaware boy. Before Jack could get what he wanted, Evans jumped in the way. Jack swung his thresher madly with no rhyme or reason. Evans tried desperately to dodge them. Finally she threw out her machete and hit his blade, pushing trying desperately to over power him. But the boy was much to strong, he pulled his thresher back and quickly stabbed, making contact.

Minho looked back in time to watch Evans fall to the ground. Anger boiled in his body. He threw is only weapon, his spear straight into the heart of the boy. He bolted to Evans side. Her breathes were shortened trying to catch a full breath.

"You are gonna be ok, you'll be fine. I'm just need to stop the bleeding. Then you'll be fine." He took off his shirt having a tank top underneath and pressed the shirt to Evan's stomach.

"Minho." She said quietly. Minho shook his head trying not to listen to the words he knew Evans would say. A tear streamed down his dirty cheek. Evans put her hand on his cheek. You were the best friend anyone could ask for." She said through a couple of breathes. Another tear streamed down his cheek.

"Please," he croaked. Her arm grew limp and Minho caught it. She took one last breath her eyes on him. Minho, having never shed a tear in his memory, broke down. The fighting and ceased, the gladers and won. It felt like a loss to Minho, Newt ran over with one exchange look, Newt threw his spear to the ground and squatted down. He shock his head, the girl that was the only person who truly knew him that loved him was gone.

The ground shock only Newt did not realize that wasn't just him, but the actual ground was quaking. Thomas who was a couple yards away pointed to the top of the wall. A crack, but not just a small one, it grew big till it split in half. The world felt almost still and numb to Newt. It didn't seem real anymore. People began running through the cracks to them with guns and gernies. The people with guns grabbed the people who had full survived. The medics grabbed the injured and dead, Evans among them. A man with a large gun grab Newt's arm. Newt looked at the man and on his uniform and a word that nearly through him into rage. WICKED.

This battle had just begun

After the Maze: Phase 2Where stories live. Discover now