My Heart's Euphoria

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"We'll play Nintendo

Though I always lose

'Cause you'll watch the TV

While I'm watching you"

(Nothing – Bruno Major)

Weekend. A perfect time to have a family bonding. No school. No work. Just staying and resting in the house.

It was a fine morning at Ri's residence. The married couple had breakfast and the twins woke up a bit late since it was a rest day for them. Jeong Hyeok and Seri were in the living room watching TV shows when their children went out of their room. It was 8 am.

"Good morning, sweeties." Their mom greeted them with a sweet voice.

"Good morning, Eomma and Appa." Ri Chung Bin being the lively boy he is, greeted his parents.

The other twin, Ri Chae Jin just yawned.

"Still sleepy, Chae Jinssi?" Jeong Hyeok pointed out by asking his daughter.

"Hm." Chae Rin can't utter a word because of her drowsiness.

Jeong Hyeok whispered something to Seri which looks like he was giving suggestions to his wife to wake their kids up.

"How about you go eat your breakfast right now, the both of you then let's play some video games? Looks like our princess needs some actions to do." After Seri's suggestion, the two rushed to their dining table. Their parents joined them while they were eating.

"Looks like they got their competitive side from their mother." Jeong Hyeok teased Seri while gazing at her.

"Of course, they should be competitive. You should always give your opponents a good fight." Seri gave some pointers to their kids because of Jeong Hyeok's antic.

After eating, the four of them went to the living room. Jeong Hyeok set up the game console and gave the two controllers to the twins while Seri asked them which game they would like to play.

"Okay, this is an important question. You should know what game you're good at."  Another lesson from their Eomma.

Jeong Hyeok burst out laughing because of what Seri said.

"Ya! They're just 6 years old." They both exchanged laughs with their children after Jeong Hyeok reminded Seri of the twins' age.

"So, what do you want to play, Mario Kart or Donkey Kong?" Seri continued asking while showing the 2 CD cases of the games with both of her hands.

"MARIO KART!" The twins excitedly answered their Eomma together.

"Okay, Mario Kart it is." Seri gave the CD case to Jeong Hyeok and inserted it into the console.

They all sat on the couch as their parents are setting up some options for their children. After arranging everything, the kids started to play while Jeong Hyeok and Seri watch them exchange some cheers and shouts.

A few games after, Chae Jin said, "Eomma, Appa your turn." She offered the controller she was holding to her Eomma and Chung Bin extends his gaming device to his Appa.

"Huh? Are you guys done playing?" Jeong Hyeok asked.

"We should take turns. Chae Jin and I have been playing how many games now. You should play too." Chung Bin said.

Their parents were surprised hearing those words from their 6-year olds, "Omo! When did guys become an adult?" Seri told her kids, feeling so surprised. The two just giggled at what their mom said.

Jeong Hyeok and Seri accepted the game controller from the two and started choosing some options like which character to choose.

"I'll pick... Princess Peach. Yeobo, go pick Bowser. You have the same body." Seri, the jokester as she is, teased her husband.

"YA!!!" Jeong Hyeok softly whacked Seri's thighs while Seri kept on laughing hard. But as the obedient husband as he is, he did choose the character Seri suggested.

The twins were stunned by how their parents were so focused on the game and let them enjoy while watching them.

"Assa!!" Seri shouted, with her right fist raised while Jeong Hyeok covered his face with his right hand which clearly shows who was the winner.

They played another game as suggested by their children. Again, they were so focused on playing but when Jeong Hyeok saw how happy Seri is with every outruns she made in the game, he lets her win. Seeing that beautiful eyesmile when showing her competitive side, makes Jeong Hyeok smile sweetly. The shouts she was making throughout the game amazes Jeong Hyeok which seems like it was the first time seeing her like that because he can't remember the last time Seri showed that competitive side of her.

A series of games had passed between the couple, and Seri kept on winning. Jeong Hyeok just watches his wife win because seeing her happy like that, makes him the winner as well- a champion in his own word. His heart pounds every time he sees that eyesmile that he can't even control the game controller properly. His hands shake hearing her laugh. His gaze focused on his wife while his wife concentrates her eye on the screen.

"Ya! You're weak!" Seri mocked her husband while laughing and her eyes still fixed on the screen.

Jeong Hyeok chuckled as a response. She didn't know that Jeong Hyeok lets her win, though. She didn't know that her husband's eyes are fixed on her.

No one knows how many games had passed when Chung Bin brought out a complaint, "Eomma, I'm hungry."

"Huh? You just had your breakfast." Seri curiously told his son.

Jeong Hyeok and Seri switched their gaze to the clock hanging on their wall and quickly looked at each other, eyes widened as both of them were surprised.

It was already 12 noon.

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