Chapter 5

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Then, as I'm about to panic and give up, at that moment, I get an idea...

I stop trying to push him off and lift my hand up from his chest. I go to feel for his head in the crook of my neck.

Shakily moving my hand around, I find the top of his head and I feel his hair. It's long at the top but gets shorter at the sides. I gently weave my trembling hand in his hair and take quivering breaths.

Seemingly shocked by my actions and sudden change in behaviour, he lifts his head from my neck.

Which is what I wanted him to do.

As he stands up strain I realise how tall he is compared to me, I have to stretch my arm a little to reach.

I play with his hair, honestly just stroking it like he's a dog as I have no clue how else to do it, however when I slightly tug on a handful of it, it makes him groan. I move my hand down a little and find his ear. Perfect. 

I pull my hand back, far, far from his face. Trying to keep it steady so I don't miss and I slap him hard across his face.

My hands stinging like hell but I don't have time to sulk about it.

As he grunts and moves to the side from the hit, he releases my body from his giving me room to have payback. I still feel one of his legs in between mine.

Good, my plan was to hit the self-destruct button.

I quickly kick my leg up as hard as I can with the little room available and kick him in his Crown Jewels.

Ha, he won't be having kids any time soon.

He grunts even louder and I hear him fall to the floor probably covering his junk. I turn around and feel for the door handle.

Still listening to him on the floor grunting, I find the handle.

"Serves you right you goddamn, perverted jackass!" I scream and bolt out the door not looking back.

I ran and I ran fast through the halls, probably longer then necessary and when I heard the bell ring for end of break, I didn't care and kept running until I found the girls toilets on the opposite side of the school.

I scurried in, locked the door and the second I heard it click I instantly collapsed to the floor crying. I sit against the wall and drag my legs up to my chest. I rest my head on my legs and cry hugging myself. 

I stay just like that for at least 10 minutes until my head starts to hurt.

I don't even know what to think. What to feel. I'm just so confused and afraid. I don't understand.

I get up and look in the mirror. The little make up I had on, mascara and eyeliner, had ran down my face and I had a serious case of panda eyes. 

Extreme denial and disbelief comes over me, no, that didn't happen, that couldn't have just happened. Not to me. No.

I take a make-up wipe out of my bag and I wipe it all off, re-apply it and do my hair once more.

I look in the mirror and compose myself and try to look normal. I attempt to think of an excuse to why I'm so late to tell the teacher as I head to class. The last thing I need is to be shouted at.

On my way, I see a boy I've never seen before in the hallway, he looks at me with a smirk on his face and hair covering his eyes.

He walks straight past me with his hands in his pockets. I didn't get a very good look at him because my eyes were drawn straight to his smile but he's really tall, around 6' foot. He was wearing everyday clothes not the uniform.

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