Chapter 22

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Oliver's not taken no for an answer and we're going on a date today. I've been ignoring him for 3 weeks and it's been 4 weeks since we went on our first date.

The bell for last lesson goes and to my surprise, he's already waiting for me outside the classroom door. I guess he thinks I'm gunna make a run for it.

We walk in awkward silence. I can't even bare to look at him. When I start to hear noise in the distance, I look up to see the arcade we went to a nearly a month ago, I smile at the sweet memory.

"I don't know what happened to you Casey but I'm worried. You're acting like a completely different person. I just, I want to see you smile" he gave me a look of pity "so...we're gonna have fun and I am going to beat your ass at air hockey." He jokes.

I want to tell him everything. I want to go to the police and show them the notebook. I want to hug him and beg for forgiveness after I've been so cruel to him theses past weeks. But I can't.

He grabbed my hand and dragged me into the arcade.

Eventually I started to smile, that turned into laughter. I laughed for the first time in weeks.

Oliver did that.

That's why I like him so much, he can make me laugh like no one else has. He makes me feel so special and safe.

He disappeared for a few minutes when I was trading the tickets we won and when he came back, he had that blue teddy that I wanted before.

The same one Mr Kyle got for me. Images of him swarmed my mind as I looked at the reminder tucked into Oliver's embrace.

My eyes started to well up and he gave me a sad smile, pulled me to him and engulfed me in a tight hug.

"I'm sorry, I'm so, so sorry" I hug him back and nonstop apologies.

"Hey, no, stop that. You have nothing to be sorry about." He places his head on top of mine "Casey please, tell me what's wrong, please."

"I can't" I sob into his shirt as I try to get my breathing under control.

"Please tell me so I can help, please" I shake my head violently.

"If I tell you, you'll get hurt" I sob and grip onto his shirt tightly. He tenses as soon as the words leave my mouth. Maybe I shouldn't have said that.

"Casey, you're scaring me now, what's going on?!" His voice contains nothing but worry. I softly shake my head as realisation sets in. I break out of his hold and look around.

"No, no, no, no." My eyes darting around to each visible corner of the room.

Oliver steps to me, his hands up in surrender like if he moves too fast, I'll run away "who are you looking for?"

"I can't Oliver, I can't. I'm so, so, so sorry-"

Oliver cut me off by pressing his soft lips on mine, he was gentle and slow but passionate. I kissed back following his movements, everything felt right. I break the kiss and he put his forehead against mine.

"I'm sorry I just, I couldn't help it. Stop apologising Cas" he spoke so kindly.

That's was it. That was the moment in time that would be imprinted in my head for life. That's when I knew what I had to do. That's when I knew, I love Oliver. I love him with every fibre of my being...So I have to let him go.

I quickly run to the bathroom to try to calm myself down for what I have to do.

I'm about to lock it when it opens nearly hitting me in the face. I look to see Mr Kyle staring at me with nothing but rage evident on his face. I start to breakdown in more tears and cover my face with my hands over my eyes.

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