Chapter 36

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After he kissed me and left, he came back minutes later with food and helped me eat. I honestly can't tell if having these splints on is making my wrists better or worse because now I can barely move my fingers because the metal plates won't let me.

After I ate, he surprisingly left me a bottle of water to have until he came back.

He didn't speak, he didn't try to touch me. Only when he was leaving did he kiss me lightly on the forehead.

It was weird.

The voices kept telling me I did something wrong but I can't think what. But why should I care if he's upset, I shouldn't.

No, I don't. I don't care about him. I hate him.

I hate him.

Do I?

Anyway, I figured that he must come down once a day. When? I don't know. Since then, he's been back with food twice, so two days and each time he's barely spoke and all he does is kiss my head.

What if I did do something wrong?


He could punish me.

I could be down here longer or he could hit me again!

What could I have done?! I can't remember. I don't know one day to the next and every second in here mixed with the others. There's no time concept. I can barely remember what I was doing a few minutes ago.

The kiss? Could it be because I didn't kiss back? But he didn't seem to care, he made a big speech about how he didn't care. Though I don't really understand what he meant by it.

Wait. No. Why should I care? So, what if he's in a pissy mood?

He could hurt me, starve me, that's what he could do. I'm completely at his mercy.

What am I supposed to do about it?


Fuck off. My mind is really starting to do my head in. Literally.

At least the lights still on, it seems brighter than it first seemed. I guess my eyes have adjusted to the dimness down here.

Right on cue, the light flickers then, turns off.

Fucks sake.

My heart starts beating against my chest.

"No, no, no, no, no" I whisper as I look frantically around the room. My eyes dart all over the place as I squish myself into the corner of the room.

I can't see anything but the swirls that start forming in my vision, morphing into shadows. Eyes start glowing in the darkness, red and evil.

I scream. I scream so loud it hurts my throat. The creatures start crawling towards me in an animalistic-type way on the floor.

I scream louder and start to violently shake as tears stream down my face and I cover my eyes not wanting to see but I can still see them in my mind.

I need help.

I need him.

"DAMIAN!!!" I scream as loud as I can as I cover me ears from the volume of my own voice and shut my eyes as tight as I can.

I keep screaming his name hoping he's home and will hear me.

I feel a hand touch my leg.

"DAMIAN" I scream-sob as I kick my legs away from the creature.

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