Chapter 37

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Casey's Pov

So, I'm back down here.

I really don't think he'll ever let me back up to be honest, I've been down here 12 days! How? How?! It feels like forever and yet, it feels like one whole day because there's no fucking clocks down here.

I have zero concept of time. I sleep most of the time. I don't have the energy.

I practically forced that food down. I still feel sick from when I showed him my body. I need his trust. I had to.

I want out, I need out.

It was the one thing I could think of in that moment that would persuade him to let me out but clearly it was for nothing. It didn't bloody work. The mini heart attack and the tears mixing with water in the shower were for nothing.

That smile.

It will haunt me for a lifetime.

Just the smile was the devil incarnate. I've seen his smiles. The creepy ones, fake ones, even the genuine nice one and yet that smile...the fire in his eyes, lust.

Imprinted in my head.


Sometime later I hear him come back. It's definitely not been a day since so why is he here?

I'm reading the book he gave me when he sits next to me on the mattress.

"How are you babydoll?" He asks.

"I'm better now the lights back" I answered. He looks at the book in my hands.

"You've nearly finished the book" I nod "my smart little girl" he pulls me to him slightly as his hand rakes through my hair. "Lie down" he commands in a whisper, watching my face.


He wouldn't do anything down here right?

I slowly lower myself onto my back.

No hesitation, just slowly. I seen the look in his eyes when I hesitated with the towel and other stuff. This is how I get out of the basement. I can't hesitate.

He's clever. Too clever. A PhD in psychology is bad, bad for me. He's studied in the behaviour of the mind. I need to be careful.

He looks over me before beginning to crawl from my legs to face me.

"Wait" I quickly call.

Awe, he looks disappointed.

I rise a little before putting down the book and making sure it stayed on the page I was on and slightly folded the corner so I don't lose my place. I then lie back down calmly.

I wanted to laugh. He looks so confused.

That soon goes however, when he crawls up to my face in a literal predator-like way.

He places a hand on my waist and the other above my shoulder. Flash backs of what happened when I first woke up here spring in my mind, I shiver in disgust.

"I'm going to play a little, okay?" I nod, not like I can stop it. I place my hands to my side remembering what he said to me that day. "Hands by your sides or-" he stops when he notices that I've already done it. A smile makes its way into his face. "Good girl" he praises.

With that, he licks the length of my neck slowly making my breath hitch. He kisses my neck in many places like he's looking for something. He reaches a spot on my neck that tickles and when he kisses it, I let out an involuntary moan.

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