Chapter 7

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Casey's Pov

So after what happened, I faked being ill. I had too, there was no way I was going to set foot back in that school before I calmed myself down. I spent my time at home thinking about everything.

Who would like me, like that? Who in school would want to do something like that? What...What did they want? What were they going to do? Have I done anything to anyone, said anything to someone to make them want to do something like that? Who would have an obsession with me?

I've replayed it over so many times in my head.

There was nothing about them that stood out, nothing I could use to find out who it was.

I could feel a belt when they pressed against me. I kinda know what hair style they had but most of the boys in school have it. The last thing and only other thing was that he was taller than me but that could still be anyone in my school.

Anyway, it's Friday and I've had two days off school. Mum says I'm fine now and Becks has been begging me to come back to school, apparently, Maths and Art have been unbearable without me. I haven't told her or anyone about what happened, I just don't know how to, what would I even say, whoever it was, they didn't do anything to me, not really. 

Mums been fussing as well so now I feel really guilty, she's made me an extra healthy lunch today just like she has done for the last two days.

Pasta salad; pasta with lettuce, tomato, cucumber, bell peppers, sweetcorn, tuna, broccoli, cheese and a little salad cream.


As soon as I got to school Becks ran to me, smothering me in a hug.

"Don't you ever do that to me again" she said in a serious tone with her eyes wide.

"Was it really that bad?" I said in a sweet innocent voice, slightly teasing her.

"Yes! I missed you in Art. I had to sit next to nose-picking-Jaime. " she said scrunching up her face in disgust. "Next time you do this I'm coming to your house and dragging you out of bed by your hair."

I turn to Ben for help "Don't look at me, I second her. I missed you in History " he said with his brows raised and wide eyes.

I look at the both of them with a 'are you serious' face. Thomas remained laughing throughout the whole interaction so I glare at him.

The bell goes so we go to class. The day went by in a flash and I was in Science. Jacob was nowhere to be seen, Mr Kyle did the register and completely skipped Jacob telling me he wasn't in today.

"Right class, today we're going to do an experiment so get into groups of two and collect a pair of goggles from the front of class."

I looked around, oh shit, I have no one to go with. Looking at everyone, they are all in pairs already, I walk up to Mr Kyle.

"Sir, I don't have anyone to go with, can I just do it on my own?" I asked.

"No" he said abruptly "you need someone to time the reaction exactly. Is there really no one?" He looked around and sighed "Fine I'll work with you but don't think that just because I'm the teacher means I'm going to do it for you or give you the answers."

So, with that, I was paired up with the teacher. Great (!).

I don't really understand why I had to because all he did was stare at me and press start on the timer, he didn't even stop it, I had to when the chemicals started to change colour.

"What colour is this?" he abruptly said pointing to the chemical.

"Orange " I said.

"Orange?" he asked.

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