Chapter 8

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The bell has gone for first lesson but I still slowly walk to my locker. I really can't be bothered today, I just feel like shit, I have no energy. I've barely slept since I heard that noise outside my window.

Making my way to by locker to get my Math book I pull the door and the damn locks is stuck.

"For fucks sake!" I growl angrily whilst rattling the door. It doesn't even budge so I stop trying and bang my head on it repeatedly with my eyes shut groaning in frustration, swearing as I do it of course.

BANG "damn-"

BANG "stupid-"

BANG "ass-"

BANG "locker-"

Just as I'm about to hit my head again I hear a chuckle. I look around to see that mysterious kid I seen a couple days ago. He has his arms crossed on his chest and he's leaning on the wall, this time he's in complete school uniform.

Feeling embarrassed at my previous actions, I look away just as my cheeks start heating up. I once again try to rip my locker open when I hear footsteps come towards me.

"Here, let me" he says, his voice is sounds smooth and kind. He grips onto the door and pulls the top out then angles it down pulling at the bottom.

The door creeks then pops open. He inspects the door "the frames been bent so it got stuck" he then whacks the door with his fist several times causing a loud booming sound and making me jump each time.

"There" he said with a smile. I look at the door and it's visually bent back into place.

"Thanks, I guess" I said stepping forward to my locker. Suppressing a smile, eyes a little wide at his solution of calculated force with opening the door and simple brute force to bend it back to stop it from sticking again...then there's the fact that it actually worked.

"Can you help me find my class? I'm new" he said with a sweet smile but some sort of playfulness in his voice.

"Sure, but I don't know how much help I'll be, I've only been here 2 weeks myself and I still get lost. What's your lesson?"

"Uh, Maths" he said with a frown.

"Room number?"


"With Mr Brown?" I said rolling my head back to look at him.

"How did you know?"

"That's my next lesson, you can walk with me. A warning I wish I got, he's an ass" I said smiling, he smiled back. I reach in my locker to grab my book and as I pull it out, I see something underneath it.

"Noted. So, what's your name?" I hear him ask me but I don't answer "You ok?" His voice showing concern. I look into the locker with shock riddled on my face and disgust filling it shortly after.

I see him at the corner of my eye moving to look in my locker at what I'm staring at but I quickly slam it shut and he jumps back. "That might be how it got stuck in the first place..." he said in a slow quiet voice, pointing at my locker, smiling and raising his brows joking around "you ok?"

"Sorry, yeah I'm fine, let's go to Maths" I walk briskly away clutching my book tightly to my chest. He walks up beside me.

"You still haven't told me your name" he said with another cheeky smile.

"Oh sorry, I'm Casey."

"Oliver" he gives me a curt nod of his head. "nice to meet you Casey." I shot a quick smile at him and walk into class.

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