Part 4

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Hi guys I hope you guys enjoy this chapter see you guys at the end!! 💛

Jesy POV
I slowly wake up to my head throbbing. I sit up and bed and look towards my door. It sounds like someone is having a conversation down stairs. I get up off my bed and make my way out of my room and towards the stairs. Once I made it down the stairs I walked into my living room where I saw Andre, Chris, Jordan, Alex, both debbies, my mom, and Norma all sat on my couch.
Jesy: mom?
I could hear my voice crack as my mom made her way over to me and engulfed me in a hug. I just cried into her shoulder. Soon enough I felt everybody join the hug as I just cried my life away. After awhile we all pulled away from each other, my mother still holding my hand.
Jesy: sorry everyone
Jesy's mom: you don't have to be sorry love
Jesy: is there anything that you guys found or did the police start the search
Chris: yeah the police started the search this morning but they are yet to find anything yet.
I felt my world crash, I just wish they were safe with me at my house.
Jesy: I should have never left that studio without them.
Andre: Jesy it's not your fault you couldn't have known what was going to happen next.
Jesy: I know I just feel so guilty, I was supposed to protect them, they are my babies.
Leigh's mom: Jesy we know but don't blame yourself to much ok love?
All I could do is nod my head at each of them. I could still see the fear and worry in all of their eyes. I was terrified about what could be happening right now. I was brought to my senses when someone called my name.
Jesy: yes?
Chris: the police wanted to know if you still want to talk to Liam still.
I thought for second, maybe he knew something that could help, anything.
Jesy: yeah I still want to
Chris: ok baba go upstairs and get showered and we will head over there.
Jesy: ok
I felt my mom kiss my hand before letting it go. I made my way over to my stairs and I walked straight into my shower.
Chris POV
Chris: ok so in more detail the cops said they are going to integrate Liam tomorrow after Jesy talks to him to see if they can get anything out of him. As of right now all we can do is get in contact with the studio to get the camera footage and pray that we see something.
Alex: how is the search going?
Chris: as of right now they don't have anything right now but I pray that they will by the end of the day but right now is not the time to lose faith.
The room grew silent with only the sound of feet walked down the stairs.
Jesy POV
Everybody eyes met mine when I entered the room.
Chris: you ready to go?
Jesy: y-yes actually can the moms come with us too please
Chris: of course love come on let's go.
With that all the moms and Chris got off the couch and started walking to the door. I followed closely behind them make sure to grab a hoodie and my shoes on the way out. We all pile in the truck and made our way over to the police station. I slowly start to feel my anxiety rise once we pulled into the parking lot. We all got out of the car I gripped onto my mom's hand and Leigh's mom's hand to try and calm my self down. We walk straight through the door and up to the front desk.
Receptionist: hello how may I help you guys?
Chris: oh uh Jesy Nelson was suppose to have a conversation with Liam Payne today.
Receptionist: ohhh right follow me to the back then.
She got up from her chair and started walking towards the back with all of us close behind.
Receptionist: an officer will be right with you just wait here.
Just like that she walked back to the front, I leaned my head on my mom's shoulder feeling her kiss my head. Suddenly the door opened in front of us and there stood a police officer.
Police officer: hello you must be Jesy Nelson?
Jesy: uh yes that's me.
Police officer: great well Liam is just pass the door behind me if your ready you can step in there and talk to him.
Jesy: yeah I think I'm ready
Police officer: alright well we can see the room on camera from here and when you are done talking you can come straight out no issues.
Jesy: ok thank you for allowing me to do this.
Police officer: of course go on then
I slowly walked up to the handle of the door and pulled it. I walked to bright lit room to find Liam sitting at the table looking at his hands. I made my way over to the seat across from him looking at him in wonder.
Jesy: Liam??
Jesy: look I'm just trying to look for my best friends right now and you seem to be the only hope at the moment. So if you have any information please just tell me know now so we can get this done and over with.
Liam just continued to stare at his hands as if he was deaf to the world.
Jesy: are you serious right now? You broke into my house the least you can do is help me with my problem at stake.
Before I could even comprehend I felt a pair on hands around my neck chocking me. I looked into liam's eyes as I saw hatred and fear. I tried screaming and scratching at his hands. He just held my throat tighter making it harder for me to breathe. I slowly felt myself falling in and out of consciousness. I could hear a muffled yelling Chris in background before I completely passed out right there on the spot not knowing what happened...
Hello guys welcome to the authors note! I hope you guys liked this chapter and it had some violence in it so sorry about that but I hope you enjoyed it. Also thank you guys for 100 reads that's incredible so thank you!! Love you guys ☺️💛 anyways see you guys later 🤍

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