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I woke up the next day by Harry shaking me and telling me we had to go. He was dressed and ready for the day already.

"Get up, it's after six." He says sounding kind of frustrated. I sit up and stretch. He's running around his room opening boxes and ruffling through them.

"Good morning to you too." I say as I walk out to grab my clothes off the couch. "Do you want me to change now? Or just leave yours on?" I ask as he walks out of his room. "I don't care, as long as you're ready in less than five minutes." Well, okay. I leave his on and just put my shoes on.

"Actually you should probably change. We don't need anyone thinking anything." He says from the kitchen. "What do you mean?" I ask. "I don't need people knowing I'm fucking a seventeen year old. We're nothing serious so it shouldn't matter, right? Go change into your clothes okay?" I hate how he's acting, I haven't even been awake for ten minutes. "Whatever you say." I roll my eyes and change in the bathroom.

I renter the living room a minute later where he's standing and looking very impatient. I slide my shoes on again and walk toward the door. He literally changed over night and I have no idea how. Last night he was being all cute and wanting me to rub his hair but now he's basically telling me that I mean nothing more to him than sex.

We got in his car and he started it right away. I didn't say a thing most of the way even though he was on about how he has to be somewhere in fifteen minutes. I stared out the window not wanting to even talk to him. He really had no reason to be like that.

"You okay?" He asks. "You're being pretty quiet." I just nod my head and return my gaze out the window. "Was it something I said?" He pressed on so I didn't say anything. "It is isn't it." He continued. "Look, I'm sorry I'm just stressed out about today. I'm not sure what I said but I'm sorry, I'll make it up to you. I promise." His hand slid over and squeezed my thigh.

"What're you even doing today?" I asked. "Well, I started a new job and I have my first interview today. My career as a journalist depends on the interviews I'm giving today so I'm sorry if I'm getting over anxious and taking it out on you, I don't mean to." He says seeming sincere.

"It's okay, I understand." I look over at him. He smiles at me as we near my house.

"I'll see you soon okay? Have a good day at school." He smiles as he leans over to grab my face. "Have a good day interviewing and doing whatever else." He chuckles and then kisses me. His tongue pushes into my mouth and deepens the kiss. "You should probably go inside." He smiled as he ran his thumb under my bottom lip to wipe the spit away. "Okay, see ya later." I kissed him one last time and got out of his car and went inside. My mom was up and drinking coffee still in her pyjama's.

"Hey you're home early." She says. "Yeah I still have to shower and stuff, do you think you can give me a ride to school?" I ask as I get something to eat from the fridge. "Yeah sure, when do you want to go?" She asked. "Is 7:15 okay?" It's a little after 6:30. "Yeah, let me know when you're ready." I went and got ready for the day which was ended up being extremely boring. However on Saturday, Lauren invited me over to hangout.

"I talked to Harry earlier," she said making my face heat up as if I was getting in trouble or something. "and he said we can come over to hangout at his new place." I mentally sighed in relief. "Oh okay, cool." I say as cooly as possible but I couldn't help the butterflies.

Lauren's dad let her use his truck to drive over to Harry's place which was cool. We left around six. I was honestly so excited to see him and Lauren noticed but I couldn't tell her why, I just lied and said it was Henry texting me.

We parked and walked into the building and up to Harry's floor. Lauren knock and only a few seconds after that he answered.

"Hey, how are you guys?" He walked back into the living room where he had on some MMA fight. His eyes were glued to the TV, him obviously really into it.

Aphrodite // H.S. (Mature)Where stories live. Discover now