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I felt a vibration around my head and knew it was my phone but I didn't want to get it. I bet Lucas is calling to ask me to hangout or something but I really don't feel like it right now. It finally stopped but started only a couple seconds later. I usually like to get up early but today I just don't feel like it.

I groaned and picked it up only to see it was Harry. I quickly answered it but my voice was still a little hoarse from sleep.

"Hello?" I answered. "Good morning beautiful." He replied sweetly. "It's too early for your shit, Harry." I closed my eyes while holding the phone to my ear. "Oh well, I guess you'll just have to deal with me yourself." He says flirtatiously making me groan. "Why'd you call?" I snipped. "I'm picking you up at ten-thirty. You have no choice so be ready." He tells me. "No I'm going back to sleep." I say. "If you do that then I'll break into your house and drag you out to my car." He says making me laugh. "I believe that's called kidnapping."

I like the playfulness of this conversation. It gives me a warm feeling and it makes me feel slightly more anxious to see him.

I showered, brushed my hair and teeth (twice), and then dressed in jeans and a nice sweater. He arrived a few minutes early but I was already ready so it didn't matter.

"So where are we going?" I asked as soon as I got in his car. "You'll see." He smiled making me feel warm inside.

The drive was longer than I expected it to be but after a while I recognized the area. We pulled into the parking lot of a mall that was a lot bigger than the one we were at the other day. I've been here a few times with my mom and even more times with Lauren.

"What are we doing here?" I asked once we got inside the building. "Well I have a few things planned for the day and one of them starts out here." He smiled as we started walking, I just followed his direction. "I only brought like thirty dollars." I say. "I've got a job now babe, no need to worry about it." He laughs lightly and pulls me into his side and leaving me there. It was nice how he didn't think about showing affection towards me in public, however I knew that some people would not approve because he definitely looked twenty something and I at the most could pass for nineteen.

"I can't just let you pay for everything." I tell him resting my head against him. "Why not?" He asked. "Because I'd feel weird about it." I say and look up at him. "Don't, I want to." He gives me a reassuring smile. "Harry." I groan and pull away to look straight at him. "Seriously don't worry about it, okay?" He put his hands on my shoulders and rubbed them a little. "I guess.." I looked away feeling unsure about it. "Okay let's get to it then."

We ended up at a really popular nail salon where there was mostly women over thirty years old. Harry being literally the only guy in the whole room, not even any of the workers were guys.

"What do you want done?" The woman at the desk asked me. I looked at Harry for help since it wasn't even my idea to come here so I didn't know what he wanted to pay for. He just shrugged. "Get anything you want done." He tells me. "You should get it done with me." I smile grabbing his hand. He smiles back but hesitates to say anything. "Um... I don't know about that." He looks at me and then the lady who was starting to get impatient. "Please babe." I beg while standing on my toes to be closer to his face. He looked down at my lips for a moment while he thought about it. "Alright fine." He gave in so I pecked his cheek. "We'll both have manicures." I told the woman.

We were told to both pick out a nail polish that we wanted so I picked out a navy blue while Harry was just getting clear. When we were told where to sit, there were two girls a little older than me arguing over something which I figured out it was for who got to do Harry's nails.

"Is this your first manicure?" I asked him since he was only at the table next to mine. "When I was about five or six, Lauren's mom used to do my nails all the time because she said it was practice and all the other little brothers let their older sisters paint their nails. So if you don't count that, then yeah it is." He told me smiling. I can only imagine little Harry with pink nails.

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