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After Harry and I got dressed we stopped to get something to eat at Tacobell and he paid for everything. He's taken me and Lauren here a few times before so he knows exaclty what I get, he's literally all I want in a guy. How is this even possible?

"I got you your two tacos, chalupa, and a baja blast." He smiled and set it down on the table in front of me. "Thank you." I smiled as he sat down in the seat across from me. He got 5 soft tacos for himself and the way he ate was honeslty the cutest thing ever. We made small conversation as we ate, he asked about school and he actually seemed like he wanted to know so i told him it was okay.

"What are your plans for after school? Are you planning on going to college?" He sipped his drink and gave me a little smile. "Yeah, I'm not sure where but I'm definitley planning on going." I told him. "That's great, what do you want to go for?" His dimples were showing as he smiled at me. "I was thinking art, specificly photography. Or maybe just playing it safe and going for nursing or something," I shrug. I've been thinking about this since mid sophmore year. I love photography but I feel like I'd be taking such a big risk for going to college for it.

"I think you should go for what you want." I nodded my head thinkng about it. "And you know," he leaned making his voice lower. "You can always use me as your subject. You know... To practice." His voice low and sexy. "I would even let you snap a few in just my underwear." My face heated up at the thought of this.

"Ready to go?" He stood up suddenly. "Sure." I answered flustered as I stood up too.


When we got to the movie theatre parking lot, it hasn't even been two hours yet. We just sat in his car while the radio played not even talking. I looked at my phone a few times but that was it.

"What do you think we should tell her?" Harry asked. "I don't know, that we just played in the arcade for awhile and then got something to eat?" I feel bad for having to lie to my best friend. "Okay." He said with a smirk. His eyes never left mine and for some reason mine didn't either.

He leaned in and softly kissed me with a genuine smile that time making my stomach do backflips and my heartbeat to speed up. He kissed me again with more pressure and then pushed his tongue into my mouth. He wasn't going fast and it was probably the best kiss I've ever had in my life. Well, not that I've had many but still.

My phone started ringing making me jump so I pulled away to pick it up but he grabbed my face to keep kissing him. He was kissing me so slow and sexily that I ignored my phone. We were still making out when it went off again a minute later. Why are they trying to ruin this for me?

I pulled away to pick up my phone and saw that it was Lauren.

"Hello?" I answered trying to sound casual. "Hey are you still in the movie? This one just got done." She said. If we were still in the movie why would she call? "No we didn't see a movie. We're waiting outside." I said as Harry started to kiss by my ear sloppily.

"Well then what'd you guys do the whole time?" She asked. "Played in the arcade and then went to Tacobell." I fed her the lie, while Harry was still kissing me. "You went to Tacobell without me!?" She sounded like she couldn't believe it. "Um, yeah?" Harry bit my earlobe gently, making it hard not to get distracted.

"You guys are assholes. Where are you parked?" I saw her open the theatre door and look around. "Row 2, near the back." I said. "Okay, I'll be right there." She hung up.

The way he was kissing my neck and jaw and nibbling my ear was intoxicating but he has to stop before Lauren gets too close.

"Lauren's coming." I say trying to pull away. "Mhmm." He hummed but didn't move away. "She's getting closer." I said as I watched her walking towards the car. "Like really close." I said starting to get anxious. He then stopped and kissed me on the lips once before leaning back in his seat. How am I supposed to act normal after that? Or even what happened earlier?

Lauren got in the backseat a few seconds after. She didn't seem like she knew anything was up but it's only been seconds.

"How was the movie?" Harry asked her. "Okay. I only got to see the first half because Eric kept trying to make out with me." I laughed at her annoyed tone. "Seriously all he did was talk and try to kiss me! It was so annoying! Chris didn't even look at us the entire time either!"

The whole way back to Lauren's house we had to hear about Eric and how he was so disgusting and how she's never going to the movies with him again and a lot of other stuff.

The whole rest of the night all I could think about was me and Harry completely ignoring Lauren talking about Eric and Chris.

A/N next chapter will be better.

Aphrodite // H.S. (Mature)Where stories live. Discover now