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"Just because you slammed the door in my face doesn't mean we're done talking." Harry says as he makes his way up to me. Lucas ran over and stood in front of me.

"Whoa, you need calm down a bit." Lucas said to Harry. "Oh yeah? What're you gonna do if I don't?" Harry pushed him. I quickly got in between them so they didn't start fighting. Although I'm not sure if me standing in between them would do anything or not.

"Don't even start!" I said. "Okay." Lucas said putting his hands up and went around the car to get in.

"Harry you need to stop." I said as soon as Lucas got in the car. "Stop what?" He asked as if he didn't know. "Stop making a big deal out of everything! So what if I shut the door in your face!? That was supposed to be the end of our argument but no you had to come out here and try to yell at me again for no reason!"

"You slammed the door in my face! I wasn't done talking to you and you brought that prick here knowing I'd be here!" He tried to argue back. "We didn't even date so stop going crazy over Lucas!" I clenched my fists. I couldn't stand arguing with him but he gave me no choice.

"I'd never be your boyfriend." He countered back right away. "That's not even the point! You say you want to talk but what you really mean is stand there and try to make me feel bad or insult me! When you seriously want to talk, don't even try to get a hold of me because I won't answer." I say and then walk to my side of the car and get in. He just stood there as if some big realization came over him.

Lucas and I left him standing in the driveway that night. I was close to crying again but I absolutely refuse to cry over him. What I was really surprised about is that nobody from inside heard us.


The week was going by fast but unfortunately it's only Wednesday. Lauren was giving me a ride home from school so as soon as the last bell rang I went out to meet her at her car. She was already there waiting so I got in and we took off.

"How's things with you and Lucas?" She asked wiggling her eyebrows. "Good." Was all I said. "Just good?" She sounded disappointed that I didn't have any details. "Yup." I said as I looked out the window. "Well, me and Eric were talking and we think we're going to take it to the next level." She says happily. "And what's that?" I ask. "Sex." She says so I just nod and look back outside.

I noticed she turned down a different way than usual. I looked over at her with my eyebrows scrunched up. She just looked at me and back at the road without saying anything.

"Where are we going?" I asked feeling slightly panicked. "Harry's." My stomach did this weird thing where I got excited but angry at the same time which felt really strange. "Um, why?" I tried not to sound any different. "Because I wanted to? And I thought it wouldn't be a big deal?" She said sounding confused with me. I didn't say anything and looked back out the window again.

We got to Harry's building and got up to his room in about ten minutes. I was going absolutely crazy inside, my hands even started to sweat a little. Lauren knocked twice before opening the door and walking in. I slowly followed her in and closed the door. Harry was on the couch staring at the both of us, mostly me.

"Hey, I heard what happened. You okay?" Lauren asked as she approached him. I'm not sure what she's talking about but the curiosity in me really want to know. "Yeah I'm okay." I sat down on the chair so I didn't have to be next to him. Although I really wouldn't mind.

I took in my surroundings since it's the first time I've been here since that night Kaitlin came back. It's a little messy but not too bad. I noticed he had a couple beers out but he doesn't seem drunk or anything so he must only be having his first.

"What're you guys doing here? Don't you have school?" He asked while staring at the TV. "It's like, three o'clock." Lauren says. "Oh." Was all he said. None of us really talked until Lauren announced she was using the bathroom leaving Harry and I alone in the living room. There was an awkward silence which I was hoping wouldn't happen.

"Kaitlins pregnant." Harry says making me look at him shocked and feeling hurt. He stared at the TV the whole time. "It's not mine." He tells me taking a drink of his beer. "Oh um. Sorry?" I didn't really know what else I'm supposed to say. "No you're not. You're probably ecstatic."

"Why would you think that?" I ask a little defensively. "Because you've told me before she didn't care about me and I didn't listen." He says glancing over to me and then back at the TV. "Why would I feel happy that someone I care about is feeling dejected?" I ask rhetorically although my cheeks were undoubtedly red at this point. He looked over at me confused as a few seconds of silence passed.

"Can we talk? Like, really talk this time?" He asked so I nodded just as Lauren reappeared. We ended up staying at his place for an hour after that and leaving at four-thirty. When we were driving back I got a text from him.

From H: I'll pick you up at five.

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