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"it's funny how the world can fall apart in just seconds

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"it's funny how the world can fall apart in just seconds."



"Bleh. I'm indifferent." Zeke said as he rested his chin on his palm.

Evelyn, Pieck, and Zeke sat at a table at the local IHOP. They all had long breaks in between classes and decided to grab some lunch.

They had ended up sitting down for a bit and chatting.

"I think I'm indifferent too. He's nice and all, but he came on really strong. The man doesn't try to hide the fact that he's interested." Evelyn said.

"Evelyn's got bitches. What's fuckin' new." Zeke said.

Pieck lightly shocked Zeke's arm.

"Oh stop it. You've been really down today, what's wrong?" Pieck asked.

"My father wants me to attend this gala to celebrate the new medication he and his lab partners created. I'm not excited about it." Zeke said.

"Is your mom going with you?" Evelyn asked flatly.

"Yeah, she and my father are still friends somehow. You'd think she'd hate to see Carla there, but she doesn't care." Zeke said.

"Well, at least you'll get to spend time with Eren!" Pieck said.

"Yeah, Eren."

"So what's going on with Evelyn and that guy?" Bertholdt asked.

"Pretty sure they're just study buddies." Porco said.

"A week ago it didn't seem like you have a shit either way." Reiner said with a smirk.

"I don't." Porco said. "She can do whatever she wants. I'm more concerned about the fact that if she moves out, I'm shit out of luck." he said.

"Well you can always find another roommate, right?" asked Bertholdt.

Porco sighed and set aside his water. He had a gut feeling that he shouldn't drink tonight, so he was following that instinct.

"Yeah, sure, but Evelyn is a sure thing. Whatever roommate I end up with won't be guaranteed to be as good of a roommate as her." Porco said.

"He's a goner, Bertholdt."

"I told him that he should propose."

"Cut it out! Speaking of proposing, how's Annie doing? Hm, Bertholdt?" Porco teased.

The tall man flushed red and looked away in embarrassment.

"Annie is fine, she's just busy with work and everything." Bertholdt said.

"She's got like the best job ever. A trainer at an MMA gym? What a dream." Reiner said.

Bertholdt laughed uncomfortably for a moment.

"Yeah, I mean, she really likes it. She said she wants to open her own gym someday." Bertholdt said.

"Good for her. Well, fellas, I'm gonna head out. See you later." Porco said.

"Alright man, drive safe."

"Why limit us to these resources? There's basically nothing to work with and whatever does kind of work is so hard to interpret." Peter complained.

Evelyn shrugged. "I dunno. I never liked this professor." she said.

"Yeah, me neither." Peter said.

They sat in silence for a few minutes in a different study room than their last session. Their paper was due in a month, but it was proving itself to be a hell of a lot of work.

Evelyn was hoping to get the paper out of the way as soon as possible. It was soon to be a busy season at work and she wasn't going to have the time necessary on the weekends for this paper.

But Evelyn wasn't the one constantly suggesting study sessions. Peter had been the one asking her to meet up with him.

She didn't quite know why, but Evelyn wasn't declining.

Her life for the past three years had been a living hell. Nothing positive had been happening in her life and she was just going through the same motions day by day.

Until recently, when she started interacting with her roommate.

But Evelyn didn't really know what to call that relationship by itself. She decided it would be easier to put more thought into it another time.

So she figured it might be good to let more and more people into her life, maybe some emotion would come out of her for once.

"Hey, maybe we should go grab dinner tonight! We can get whatever you want, my treat!" Peter said.

Evelyn reluctantly looked up at the man to see his eyes gleaming with hope. She knew that Porco would be at home for dinner tonight, so she didn't quite know about going out.

But she figured that he could make his own dinner tonight.

"Sure. I don't care where we eat, it's your choice." she replied.

"Great! Sounds like a plan to me." Peter said.

The study rooms were in the middle part of the library, away from all windows and exterior walls.

This meant that Evelyn had not known about the rapidly pouring rain outside. If she was aware, she would've said no in a heartbeat.

But she was notified in a different way.

Her phone began buzzing on the table from a phone number she didn't recognize. Evelyn frowned and picked it up.

"Hello?" she asked.

"Hello, is this Evelyn Greene?" asked a voice she didn't know.

"Yes? Who is this?" she asked.

"Hi, Ma'am. I'm calling from the Perdonia University Regional Hospital. You're an emergency contact for the man Porco Galliard. I'm calling to inform you that he was admitted into our emergency room two minutes ago by an ambulance from a vehicle accident."

And just like that, Evelyn's entire world fell apart in mere seconds.

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