2. my P.o.V. - at the hospital

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I was tying my laces and had just straightened up, when I heard a scream through my headphones. I turned around and saw an elderly lady tossing her bike aside and leaning down. I couldn't see more because of the bushes, so I rushed towards her, putting my headphones back in my bag. When I reached her, she was leaning over a man on the road and was about to cry. I kneeled down and said: "Ma'am, are you alright? What happened?" She looked at me and started explaining, that she hadn't seen the man coming on the street and she had crushed into him. I looked down and my heart skipped a beat. It was Gianluca Ginoble from Il Volo! No way could this be true. I quickly put my phone out dialed the emergency number. When I had finished talking to the ambulance, I checked on Gianluca. He didn't seem to have big external injuries. The woman helped me to carry him on the sidewalk. I tried to calm her down, assuring her, that he is going to be alright.

The ambulance came soon and they permitted me to come with them. They checked him properly at the hospital and beside a little swelling on his shoulder, there was nothing else.

After the check, they brought him to a room and adjusted him to a monitoring system, as he hadn't yet woken up. When the doctors left, I sat down in a chair next to his bed. I watched him for a while and couldn't believe, that I am sitting next to my biggest celebrity crush. Then I put my book out and continued reading, waiting for Gianluca to wake up.

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