6. my P.o.V. - being his guest

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When the doctor left, I helped Gianluca to pack his few things and we left the building. "Cassandra", he said, "Do you have any plans for today?" I went through my endless to-do-list for the weekend and said: "No."
"Great! Would you like to come over for a drink?"
I thanked and he offered me his arm. We walked to his home and he held the door open for me. He had a very nice house with a neat garden, a swimming pool and a tree. It was a hot day, so he made us a lemonade. We sat down in the cool living room.

"Tell me, Cassandra", he started, "What were you reading yesterday at the café, that made you so frustrated?"
I rolled my eyes and smiled: "Oh, you know, the protagonist was making these weak stupid-ass decisions and I could absolutely not relate to them. Like, such a drama queen, honestly!"
He gazed at me and said: "But it's so cool, that you are feeling the situation. Even if it's not a happy emotion, you overthink the scenes and stuff. I think, not everone can be so passionate."
I nodded and said: "Maybe, but I guess everyone has his own interests or topics on which they can get excited and happy, too."
"What are yours?", he asked.
I smiled brightly and said: "Well, obviously, literature, as you already know. I just adore it. Especially the classics from all around the world, but I am open for the newer pieces, too. I like to draw, but I can't say, I am very good at it. And of course Il Volo!" He smiled. "You guys just fulfill me. I feel so good every time I listen to you." He raised an imaginary hat and I laughed. "So, you are a very creative person, as you adore different kinds of art." I asked him about his own passions, beside music, and we lept talking about them for a while.

The day passed quickly and we had talked about many different things. It seemed, like we have known each other for a long time, as the conversation went easily. In the afternoon he offered driving me home, but I said he should better take care of his shoulder. Besides, I was living only about 15 min walk away. So he insisted on walking me home, which I gratefully agreed on.

We stopped infront of my house and he said playfully: "So, now that I know where you live..." I laughed and said, he could come over at any time. When we said good bye, he kissed my hand and winked. I blushed and went inside. What a day!


During the next weeks we hung around together a lot. He texted me when he was free and we arranged to meet at different places. We got close very quickly and couldn't stop joking around with each other the whole time.

One day, when he was walking me home, he said: "Your birthday is in two days. Do you have any plans?"
I thought about it for a moment, but I hadn't invited anyone yet, so I shook my head and answered: "No plans, but if you are free, I'd like to spend it with you. You're such a great company!" He smiled and said: "I am glad to hear it. I am free in the evening and I permitted myself to prepare a little surprise for you. I'll pick you up at six. Wear something classy." I raised my eyebrows and he smiled excitedly.

When I was alone again, my only thoughts were about my birthday. To prepare propperly, I went to my wardrobe and started preparing my outfit.

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