3. Gianlucas P.o.V. - at the hospital

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I heard a steady, repeating noise and smelled hand sanitizer. "So I am at the hospital", I thought. I felt a pain in my shoulder and opened my eyes to look around. No way. In the chair next to me was sitting the girl from earlier. She was reading, biting her lower lip. She looked so pretty, I stared at her. When I tried to get up on my elbow, I winced and she immidiately looked up and put the book aside. "Easy, Mister!", she said playfully and smiled. She stood up and stepped nearer. I smiled at her and lied back.

"Hello, signorina", I said.
"How are you feeling?" She asked me.
I sighed overdramatically and answered: "My shoulder's a bit hurting, but I guess I'll live."
She laughed and sat back in the chair.

"They said, they'll have you here until tomorrow", she told me, "Now, how come you didn't look where you were going? THe lady had a great shock crashing into you."

I smiled and said: "I got distracted by a sweet girl."
She raised her eyebrows and replied: "Well, she better were damn pretty for the injury she caused you."
I continued smiling at her and after a moment I said: "She was indeed. She was wearing a yellow T-Shirt and red trousers. She was listening to music and looked like... What's your name by the way?"
"She looked like a Cassandra."

She looked to the side, with her mouth open: "Damn, that was the smoothest pick-up I've ever heard. And I can't believe I received it from you!"
"Why me?"
She stared at me: "Are you kidding? I'm like, the number one Il Volover!"

I was so happy hearing this. I said: "Well, not in vain you are Cassandra, she who entangles men." I winked and she smiled.

"As it's kind of my fault you're here, I owe you one."
I smiled and said dramatically: "I don't know how you could pay it back better than giving me your phone number."

She laughed and scribbled it on a tissue. "Here you are. Now, pardon me, but I am already late for work. I wish you to get well soon." When she reached the door and turned to wave me, I said: "Thank you, Cassandra!" She smiled and closed the door behind her.

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