10. my P.o.V. - at the hospital

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I was awake, but couldn't open my eyes. I just lied there, trying to remember what had happened. Then I heard voices. I concentrated on them and heard the boys talking in Italian. I could hear Piero's calm voice and then Gianluca's trembling bariton. I could say, that he was crying and it made me so sad. I forced myself to open my eyes. The lights were dimmed, so I got used to them quickly. I turned my head a bit and saw Gianluca in a chair, his face buried in his hands and the boys standing around him. He looked so hurt and I thought about a way to distract him. I remembered the first time we spoke. It was also at this hospital.

My weak voice said: "Easy, Mister."
He jumped up immidiately and fell on his knees next to my bed.
"Cassandra!", he whispered, taking my hand and pressing it to his lips. I felt his tears streaming down his cheeks and dropping on the sheets. He stood up and sat on the corner of my bed and leaned down to kiss my cheek, my forehead and finally my lips. "Cassandra, I'm so sorry!"

I shook my head and answered: "It's my own fault. Shouldn't have been so dumb climbing down in the dark."
He took my hand again and pressed it to his chest. Then Ignazio and Piero came next to us and asked, how I was feeling.
I made a dramatical face and said: "Down to earth."
They rolled their eyes and giggled. "I guess it's not that bad, then", Ignazio commented.
"What time is it?", I asked when Piero yawned.
"Past midnight", he answered.
"I'm so sorry guys, you should go and sleep now. Sorry I ruined the evening."

They assured me, that it wasn't my fault and then Ignazio and Piero wished me to get wells soon and left. Gianluca didn't let me go and I kept begging him to get some rest, as I felt bad for him worrying this much about me. But he refused to go and I was too weak to argue with him. I must admit, though, I was glad he stayed.

The bed was rather wide, so he cuddled next to me and I leaned on his chest. I winced in pain when I turned, but then found a comfortable position. I felt his chest rise and fall.

"Gianluca", I whispered.
"Yes, my love?"
"I love you."
I felt his heart starting to beat faster and smiled. He pulled me gently closer and kissed my head.
"I love you, too!", he whispered, holding me tight. He didn't let me go until I fell asleep.


I woke up the next day and Gianluca was still asleep. I tried to strech but realised, how in pain I was. My chest was screaming and my leg twisted when I tried to move it. I lied there and tried not to wake Gianluca up, when I started crying silently. It was hurting so bad, it squeezed the tears out of me and made it hard to breath.

After a while I heard and felt Gianluca moving. He pushed himself up on his elbows and looked at me. "Good morning!", he said and kissed my cheek, but his face became serious as soon as he saw my wet face. "Honey, what's wrong?", he stuttered, "Does it hurt?" I nodded slightly and tears rolled down again. Gianluca stood up and left the room to call a nurse. I finally exhaled and winced. After I got my painkillers, I fell asleep again. Although I asked Gianluca to go home, he insisted to stay and I didn't argue.

In the afternoon Piero and Ignazio came along to look after me, while Gianluca went home to get my bag and to change. The boys were very kind and talked to me the whole time to entertain and distract me from my pain.

Then suddenly Ignazio said: "You know, Cassandra, he really loves you. We see how happy you make him. And he makes you. I don't know, though, if you understand how much he cares about you." I got serious, listening to him and he continued: "When you fell off the tree and we drove you to the hospital, you know, I've never seen him like that. He was insane of worry." I held back my tears and kept looking at Ignazio. Then Piero added: "That's true, you are now the most important person in his life and we just want to know, that you feel the same for him. We don't want to push you or feel bad, no, we want to make sure, his feelings are returned." I couldn't help it anymore so I started crying. I sobbed and covered my face in my hands. I heard Piero whisper to Ignazio: "I told you not to start this conversation now. Look how upset she's now." I looked at them and said: "I understand your doubts and it's good, that you asked me and it shows, that you are his best friends. But you shouldn't worry, because I can't tell you, how much I love Gianluca. I can't stand seeing him so worried. I feel bad for you guys, as I'm wasting your time. I often think about how I am really not worth all this, because you all are like a gift for me. A gift, that I never deserved!" The boys looked at me and sat on each side of my bed. "Cassandra", Piero started softly, "I am sorry, it sounded like we didn't value you. We are enjoying you so much! Our day together was so amazing and we had so much fun. We didn't mean to hurt you with our question. We see, that you are a wonderful pair to our Gian." Ignazio patted my hand and then reached out for a group hug. They were careful not to press and hurt me, and we stayed like that, me still crying in their arms. But now it were tears of joy and gratefulness.

Gianluca entered the room and looked at us. When he saw my red eyes, he asked: "What did you guys do with her?? Why did you make her cry?" I didn't want them to tell him our real conversation, so I lied: "The boys sang to me and it made me emotional."

When both of them were about to leave, each one leaned down to hug me. First was Piero and he whispered: "Sorry, again, we love you!"
Then Ignazio bent down and said in my ear: "You're right, better not tell him. Goodbye, darling!"

In the evening I asked Gianluca: "Can you read to me?" He smiled and said: "Sure, but what?" I pointed at my bag and he took a book out with a look of surprise. "You took a book to my house? Did you think, you would get bored?" I laughed weakly and explained: "Of course not, but I always carry a book with me. Just in case, you know. And now is the case."

He sat next to me and I cuddled to him when he began to read. I tried to follow the lines, but got tired quickly, so I closed my eyes and listened to his voice. I was already almost asleep, when he finished the chapter, put the book aside and switched the lights off. Then he wrapped his arms around me and we fell asleep.


When I could finally go home, I was feeling rather good. I had a few bruises, but my only serious problem was my hurting leg. I couldn't step on it and it would take some time to recover. I received crutches, but Gianluca carried me to his car and drove me home. He placed me on the sofa and kissed my cheek. "Thank you for staying with me", I said and he smiled. He told me, he'd come and check on me in the afternoon.

The time I was alone I moved very slowly. It took me an eternity to take a shower, but after it I sat fresh, sweet-smelling and dressed cosy on my couch and was reading my book. Then I crawled to my desk and sat on my office chair with wheeles. I looked through my sketchbook and opened a new page. I started doodeling trees, when the bell rang. I pushed myself away from the desk and rolled to the corridor. When I opened the door, Gianluca looked surprised and smiled at me. He stepped in, kissed my cheek and handed me a bouquet of tulips.

He made us a quick dinner and afterwards we sat on my couch. "Can you put on some music, please?", I asked him and he went to my CD-Player. I chose an Il-Volo-Album and he smiled. When the music started he went over to my desk and looked at the few sketchbooks. "May I?", he asked and I nodded. He flipped through a few pages and stopped. "Hey! That's me!", he exclaimed. I smiled and said: "As I said, Il-Volover!" He giggled and put the book aside and came to me. He sat down and I lied on his chest. "You're so incredible", he said and stroke my back. I closed my eyes and listened to the powerful voices coming out of the boxes.

We stayed like that until the evening and when Gianluca left, I prepared myself to go to bed. I was very carfeul, but when I came out of the bathroom, I slipped and fell on my leg. I screamed and rolled on my side. It was hurting so much. I lied on the floor for a few minutes and when the pain calmed down a little bit, I crawled to my bed. I tried to distract myself and thought about Gianluca. Whether he was already sleeping or not. I liked the fact, that he was only about 15 minutes walk away from me. With this pleasant thought I fell asleep.

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