7. Gianlucas P.o.V. - her birthday

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I stepped out of the taxi, asked the driver to wait for us for a moment and went to the door and pressed the door bell. "I'm coming!", I heard a voice from inside.

"Happy birth--", I started, when she opened the door, but couldn't finish. I was speechless by her incredible look. She was wearing a red velvet dress with long sleeves and free shoulders. It fitted her elegant curves perfectly. Long earrings underlined her long neck.

"Day", she finished my sentence, smiling. I straightened and handed her a bouquet of roses. She thanked and sniffed the flowers. We sat in the taxi and I finally was able to speak: "Wow, Cassandra, you look so wonderful today!" She thanked me and asked curiously: "So, where are we going?"
"I thought, as you like literature", I started, "and you mentioned theatre and plays too..." Her eyes brightened and I knew, I was right, so I continued, taking an envelope out of my pocket, "So, I thought, "Much Ado about nothing" would do it."
She gasped, "No way! Omg! Shakespeare? I adore him! And this play is one of my favourites! Oh, Gianluca, thank you so so much! This is the best present!"

I was glad, she liked my plan and the evening was truly amazing. I could see the joy in her eyes, while watching the play and every now and then she was mouthing the lines silently. During the break we went looking around the theatre and she couldn't stop talking about the show. I smiled at her excitement and stopped for a moment, taking her arm, "Cassandra, I don't want to interrupt you, but I wanted to use the break for it." I took a package out of my pocket. "You know, when I saw you and watched you, I felt like I was struck by a lightening... well, and later by a bike!" We laughed. "And so, I chose this as a small present." I handed her the package and she opened it. It was a necklace with a shape of a lightening. She studied it and said: "It's so beautiful, thank you very much! I love such things with special meanings!" I helped her to put it around her neck. It looked good on her, reflecting the lights. The theatre bell rang and we returned to our seats.

When the play was over, we drove to her home and I walked her to the door. When we said our last goodnights, I hugged her and she stood on her tiptoes and kissed me on my cheek. "Thank you so much for everything!", she whispered and rushed into her house. I smiled to myself and stroked my cheek. I could still smell her sweet scent.

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