9. Gianlucas P.o.V. - hospital again

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I checked the window again to look at Cassandra. The sun was almost down and she was sitting silently on the tree. I turned away to the boys. "You can't resist her, huh?", Piero teased me and I smiled: "No, she's too awesome!"
"So intelligent and funny, this girl", Ignazio said, "Finally some real competition for me!"

We laughed and I was about to say something, when we heard a scream. I immidiately ran to the window. "Cassandra!?", I yelled and sprinted to the garden, the boys following me. My mind and vision blurred. I fell on my knees next to her. "Cassandra!", I shouted again. I started crying, I wanted her to respond. Piero reacted quickly and guided us to carry her to Ignazio's car. We places her on the backseat and I sat with her head on my lap. Ignazio drove as fast as he could, but for me it lasted an eternity. I touched her hair, her cheeks, whispering her name over and over again. My shirt was wet from my tears.

"It's going to be alright", Piero tried to assure me, but didn't sound very convincing. Finally, we reached the hospital and I carried her to the entrance. "We need help!", I yelled at the reception, "She fell of a tree!" Two nurses came with a stretcher and brought her in a room. They asked us to leave, but I didn't let her hand go. "If you want her to get well quickly, you have to let us check on her now", the doctor said impatiently. Piero pulled me out to the waiting room and I fell in the chair and started crying. The boys stood next to me, patting my back. "It's all my fault!", I cried, "I shouldn't have left her or let her get up at all!"
Ignazio sat down next to me: "No, it's not. You warned her. But you can't decide for her or force her. She would have done it anyway. She'll be alright, they are taking care of her."

I wished he was right, but I kept thinking about her and how I shouldn't have ever let her climb up that damn tree.

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