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Bakugo sat staring at his bandaged hand two days later. He'd refused to go see Recovery Girl, he wanted the wound to heal naturally even if it interfered with his quirk. It was what he deserved, after all. He couldn't count the nights he'd searched for Izuku himself, or cried himself to sleep. Of course Izuku would be angry with him, and rightfully so.

"Bakugo," he looked up at the pro hero Ingenium, now running his hero agency from a wheelchair. "It's best you go home, I think. You're too caught up in finding this boy, I called your name three times before you heard me."

"I'm sorry, Iida-san, but I can't. I have to find him, or... let him find me, I guess." Bakugo curled his hand into a fist, feeling pain as the stitches protested.

"Bakugo, there's nothing you can do. Let the pros handle him. He's already proven to be dangerous to you. And..." He hesitated, long enough Bakugo paid proper attention to him.

"What?" He demanded, a pit forming in the middle of his stomach.

"With your information, we believe we've connected a string of unexplainable crimes done by an unknown entity. Kidnappings, robberies... even a few deaths." Bakugo shook his head. He refused to believe it.

"That damn nerd couldn't hurt a fly, he'd never kill anyone!" He jumped up, furious. He felt sick.

"Bakugo... look at your own hand. If it is the same boy you knew, it's obvious he's changed. You may not want to believe it, but he is a villain. A dangerous one." Tensei Iida could see Bakugo didn't, the explosive blonde paced up and down the room. "Go home, get some rest."

It was late by the time Iida finally convinced Bakugo to go home. The moon was out, shining brightly high above. He looked up at it, wondering where Izuku was now, what he was doing. That's when he noticed the figure standing on a utility pole a few streets down, long dark coat blown by the wind.

"Hey, what are you doing up there, it's too high. Can you get down?" He called up, and they looked down. Bakugo saw the moonlight shine on fluffy green hair, and the young man's glowing red eyes. "Wait," he yelled as the young man turned and jumped to the nearest roof.

Bakugo searched, but he was gone. "Dammit! Where the hell are you?!" He walked to his dorm, brushing past everyone in the common room.

"Bakubro?" Kirishima followed him up to his room. "What's wrong?"

"Do you remember that childhood friend I told you about?"

"The boy who went missing and was found dead?" Bakugo nodded.

"I saw him."

"Like a ghost?"

"No, he was very real. He did this," Bakugo held up his injured hand, "to me. I don't know what to think. He's older than the boy I remember, our age now, but his skin is so pale... and his eyes are blood red."

"...Green hair? Long black coat and dark clothes?"


"He's known as Asura Blood."

Heart Breaker, Blood DrinkerWhere stories live. Discover now