Chapter 4

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Killuas pov:

I woke up in shock covered in sweat."oh...just a dream then".I said looking fairly upset.I really thought I'd be able to make a friend,pffft that was dumb....

I sigh and walked over to my bathroom.I reach over to my blue electric tooth brush lazily.As I put it up to mouth I realised how long my hair has gotten.I could barely see out of my bangs and it looked like I had a mullet."dam I need a hair cut..."I said looking into the mirror.I glance over to the pair of scissors.A smirk creeps onto my face.

"What the fuck."I say with a blank face.My bangs were all different lengths going in a short,long,short,long order.I couldn't tell how bad the back was but I figured it was pretty bad.I close my eyes for a long moment before shoving a beanie on my head,and proceeded to brush my teeth with white hairs all over the sink.I spat out by bubble gum flavoured toothpaste into the hair sink and wash out my mouth getting water all over my face.I amble out the door."wait I didn't shower".I said stopping in my tracks."ahh oh well,I'm late anyways".I walked out of my room and over to were I I walk down the hall a little brat emerges out of his room."what the hell are you wearing."Kalluto said chuckling."none of your business brat".I murmured annoyed."alright what ever you say".he said walking into his room with a smug smile.I roll my eyes and head over to training.Today I'm gonna have to fight against one of our strongest butlers.I don't really want to fight against any butlers since they treat my so well,but it's not like I can refuse.

"THREE TWO ONE FIGHT".the referee said almost defending me.I sigh and barge my fist into him earning a dispatch of blood.I fell bad watching him cough up blood which makes me a bit hesitant.He takes that to his advantage and strikes a karate chop straight into my big head."ow ow ow ow"I say in my head.he sweeps his foot past mine hooking it around my ankle tripping me up.As I feel my cheek against the ground my tooth wiggles out of its place.I spit it out along with some blood that had been collecting in my mouth."fffffuck".at least I was just a baby tooth(yes killua still has baby teeth bxjsjjd)I open my eyes slowly fluttering my eyes shot open as if I had just seen the end of a rainbow.It was that boy.Right there in the bushes.His hazel eyes staring bullets at me.His spiky but soft hair blowing in the cool air.As he sees that I have seen him he quickly scurrys of."so it wasn't a drea-"I said getting cut off my a loud whistle.the butler stood up and brushed himself off.He held out a hand signaling for me to get up.I clasped his hand with mine and stood up.I look at the ground swinging my leg back and forth."young master?I look up at him."could it be somethings bothering you?I look over to where he was and zoned out."young master"he said leaning closer and snapping his fingers in my face."h-huh what"I said coming back to reality."are you alright master".he Said turning to the bush and looking back at me with a raised eye brow."y-ye a I'm a-alright",I said not convincingly at all."alright,I must be going now,take care."he said bowing."b-bye."I said waving awkwardly.


As soon as the butler had left my mom stopped over to me and slapped me across my face."WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU,YOU USELESS CHILD."she said spitting in my face"YOU CANT EVEN WIN A FIGH AGAINST A BUTLER?WHAT WAS THE POINT OF ALL YOUR TRAINING."I stared at her my lip quivering."DONT YOU DARE CRY".she said slapping me once again but harder."S-sorry mother,"I managed to get out."GO TO YOUR ROOM AND AND DONT COME OUT,YOU KNOW WHAT YOUR NOT GETTING ANY FOOD FOR THE REST OF THE WEEK".she said jabbing her words into me."y-yes mother".I said turning around and walking to my room.I tried to contain my tears but they just kept coming.I reached my room and climbed into my closet and sat in there crying my eyes out,my knees up to my chest."it's ok,it's going to be ok".I said repeatedly to myself in hope to calm my self down".but I didn't do much considering my tears just kept pouring out my now reddened eyes.I heard a small knock at my window but just thought I imaged it so I just kept crying harder.but my waterfall out salty water came to a stop when I heard someone climb through your window.I lift my head up scared that it was some sort of robber.I didn't hear anything else until a soft knock on my closet was heard.I jump due to the sudden noise.the closet door opens up to reveal that boy I keep seeing.I softly gasp.Honey brown eyes looking at me."a-are you real."I said going to touch his face.But instead he grabbed my hands and put them around his waist and hugged me.he face turned a dark shade crimsons."w-wha-".he cut me off by shhhing me.I obeyed and hugged him tighter.I started sobbing softly into his shoulder,he stroked my head accidentally pulling my beanie breathing hitched.I pulled back eyes wide.He looked at the mess sitting on my head.He stared at it his mouth parted slightly.He burst out laughing.his laugh was angelic .



Stan Gon for clear skin ☝️


that's all :)

Chapter 5 soon 😪

Bye bye take care of yourselves,I didn't think people would actually like and read this story it means sm to mI LITERALLY LOVE YOU GUYS SM 😭

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