Chapter 9

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(photo belongs to @bibichan69 on insta)

Gons POV:
"I HAVE TO GO SEE HIM, "Gon said shrieking at the lady with long green hair."Gon I can not let you go you have to stay here to look after the other children, "the lady said blankly.
"WHAT?YOU EXPECT ME TO DO YOUR JOB BECAUSE YOU HAVE A "meeting", "Gon said infuriated.

"Gon please, just stay here he'll be fine, "the lady said looking down at him. Gon was furious with that she could just say "he'll be fine when he's in a bathroom stall crying and getting harassed.

"You know what, "Gon said coldly."I don't give a f u c k."Gon said dragging out the word fuck.

She looked at him in shock.He has never talked to her like that.

"Im going to see him.Right now."Gon said looking like nothing could convince him otherwise."you assigned him to me, so I'm going to do everything I can to help him."Gon sad before going down to see killua.

Back to real time 👀

Butlers frantically looked all over the building span for the small teen. One scanned in the outside hang out, the other in the office. Once one of the butlers found killua on the bathroom floor asleep with tears all over his face.He immediately scooped him up in his arms and took him home. That butler was kurapika. He didn't even worry about the unconscious body covered in blood. He had assumed that killua had killed him.

Killuas POV:

I fluttered my eyes open while looking around to see where I was."GON!"I said sitting up and remembering what happened yesterday. I was in my room? Was it that all just a dream. I glance over to my door and looked at the hung-up dirty suit."So it wasn't a dream, "I whispered to myself. I got up and went to fix myself up. I haven't been in good shape lately. I haven't had much sleep. Gon has changed up my life, hasn't he. I have huge bags under my eyes and I haven't been keeping up with my skincare or haircare routine ( yes killua does skincare😩).

After I finish aiming to make myself presentable I hear a knock on my door."killua, can I come in?" a smooth voice says."sure".Kurapika walks into my room and walks over to me."Killua what's the matter, you have been yourself lately, "he asked. I look away and stay silent.

"Come killua you can tell me anything," he said with a gentle smile.

I stay silent before speaking up.

"Have you ever felt............"

"As if you had met someone but they weren't quite real......"

He looked at me with sad assuring eyes. he noded signaling me to go on."and have you ever felt like you needed them with you at all times but it wasn't possible."killua said looking down.

"So you met one....."kurapika said looking at him, his eyes full of empathy.   

"What?"That is all that killua managed to get out. He saw kurapika start to tear up."kurapika..." he said looking at the helpless
blonde."don't get to attached to him alright."kurapika said looking up and smiling at killua while tears rolled down his cheek.When killua heard those words his heart shatered knowing he had already gotten to attached to Gon."You know.....I had one as well."kurapika  said starting to tell a story."His name was pairo, he came to me when ever I felt unwanted...he made me feel part of this world.He didn't last long though.After 5 months he left one day and never came back.I haven't seen him since."he said fighting back his urge to burst out crying.By this time killua had started crying as well.He couldn't lose Gon, he just couldn't."w-what do you mean "met one", "killua sniffled.He sighed about to explain the sad truth about these happiness providers."their are children who are born into this world to be humans and live life normally, like you and me.But some are born to protect others.Every one of them has a child to protect until their 15th birthday.Once they turn 15 they are removed from this earth and never come back.Once they are 15 they are considered too old and are turned into dust.Some are exceptions and grown up and be parental supervison for the younger ones who haven't had a child assigned to them yet.You are Gons assigned child to look after.Once he turns 15 he'll leave and be turned to dust."kurapika sad revealing the truth to the younge male.Killua looked up at him shaky and crying."n-no that can't be true, "he said trying not to believe what kurapika had just said."h-he said he'll always protect m."he said laching onto kurapika and crying into his butlers uniform."im sorry killua but it's the truth."kurapika said patting his head and wiping his tears.They stayed there for a while crying together in the dead silence.Once killua had calmed down kurapika left to go clean the kitchen.Killua sat on his bed hugging his pillow.Kuarapika said they live in the deep part of the forest.

"I should go to the forest and go see Gon."

CHAPTER 99999999


Chapter 10 will be out soon bye bye ily

Oh and my tiktok is @killuas.third.niple
And my art tiktok is @Lsluvbot
You can go check them out,only if you want of course


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