Chapter 8

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(Photo belongs to @niuyadrawa on insta)

(⚠️thus chapter includes slurs and kinda bullying⚠️)

Kurapika and killua walked concurrently down the hall away and down the stairs.At the bottom of the stairs was Leorio another butler in the Zoldyck house and also Kurapikas boyfriend."heeeeyyyyy killua and my sunshine."leorio winked at Kurapika.He rolled his eyes and killua chuckled."ohhhh come on sunshine you know you like that name."leorio cooed wiggling his eyebrows."Shut up leorio we have somewhere to go and I don't think it would turn out very good for me if I brought killua late would it,"Kurapika said like the baddie he is."alright alright,I'll leave now.....sunshine,"leorio said smirking."killua please wait here for a second,"he said putting on a fake smile."ok.".
"Thank you."he said grinning.He shot down the stairs and ran to where leorio was a kicked him in his back."OWWWW STOP."Leorio said overreacting."what you get."Kurapika said his eyes closed and brushing hands across leorios shoulders as he left.He walked back to killua and brought him to the limo he was supposed be in."I hope you have a nice time."Kurapika said with a real smile this time."I won't,but thanks."killua said before getting in the car.

The car ride was uncomfortably silent.Even though killua liked the silence,this silence was awkward.

After a good 50 minutes they arrived to the big building the ball was held at.It was realllllllyyyy tall and had modern windows all across it. (I imagine it looks kinda like heavens arena but you can imagine it any way you want)killua stepped out of the limo to be greeted by flashing cameras in his face.He didn't think there would be paparazzi,last time they didn't.He honestly didn't like being on camera.But he told himself not to be a pussy and just endure it.After a while of being blinded by lights he made it into the actual building."woah..."He said actually impressed."They must have done some remodelling,it wasn't this fancy the last time I was here.There was marble floor with a long thing carpet going across it.There was white leather couches and a complete glass coffe table.The office(the part the people sit behind idk what it's called)was also marble but a different type where you can see yourself.We walked to the office and my butler gave the office person both of our ID's
(The rest of his family was already there)He bends down to face the marble.he touches it as a child would do."young master,we have to go in now,"his butler said formally.He rolls his eyes,shuvs his hands in his pockets and follows his butler to where the ball was.As they got closer the loud music was heard.Killua covers his ears and continued to walk.Although Killua did not want to be there he had to admit it looked pretty nice.There was food on tables covered with silk table cloths.At front was the DJ which actually looked professional enough."master,I will leave now,have fun,"his butler said bowing."uh huh."He said not caring.He went straight over to the food and grabbed like 5 different cup cakes.He took the whole cupcake in his mouth."um,excuse me."a girl said in a annoying voice,tapping on his shoulder."hm,"he said turning around the cupcake half out his mouth.They girl put on a disgusted face and pulled her finger back."never mind."she said flipping her greasy hair and walking away.You could hear her fake ass heels on the floor."who the fuck-."Killua said offened."ugh whatever that bitch just jealous,"he said out loud in a sassy voice.A near by group of "boys 🥶🥵💯" heard him and turned around to look at him.Killua felt someone staring and turned around and immediately dropped the sassy act.tThose where the boys that always bullied him every time he went to one of these things.He staring dagers into them trying hard to be intimidating.He sucked his teeth at them and walked away."what gonna go cry in the bathroom fag,"one of the boys said as the others laughed.Killua turned his head slightly but then turned back around looking at the floor.He felt like crying but he didn't want to be bullied even more.He ran to the bathroom and locked himself in one oth the stalls.He started silently crying hoping no one would hear him.A couple minutes pass until he hears the door open.He lifts his head up from his knees staying quiet."WE KNOW YOUR IN HERE FAG."one of the boys shouts.Killua shuts his eyes closed hoping they won't find him."come on out kill~"one said while brushing his hand against the stall doors."which one is it?maybe THIS ONE,"He said swing a door open."come one man that's eno-,"a different boy says."SHUT UP,"he said making the boy flinch.He continued to open the doors getting closer and closer to killuas one.He was now one door away from killua."hmm,so it must be this one."he said with a psychotic smile "I don't allow fags in my parents ball."he said raising his hand to open the door."HERE I COME FA-,"he said before a loud bang was heard.It sounded like his head fell against the door.Through out the bathroom was pleads and kicks until a final kick was executed."don't ever touch my killua."a cold scary voice said.Killua knew who that voice was....but it was different this time.It was full of rage and anger.Not the soft voice he was used to."G-Gon.."Killua said astonished from what just unfolded.Killua knew he wouldn't be here for long so he scrambled over to the lock and desperately shaking and playing around with it.He managed to open it and tumble out.He was greeted with falling into a familiar chest.his face heated up.he looked up at the boy with tears eyes."Gon-,"killua said getting interrupted."I won't let anyone hurt you,"Gon said hugging the small male.Killua didn't even saying just hugged him back.they stood there hugging for a nice 5 before Gon spoke."but..I'm sorry I have to go back."Gon said looking down."W-what go back where?Gon talk to me,"he said trying to get something out of him."I-I'm sorry,"Gon said before breaking down and crying in killuas arms.Killua put one hand in his back and one one his head stroking his soft but spikey hair."I-I have to go I'm not supposed to be here right now."Gon said getting out of the hug."n-no Gon please don't go."Killua said with tears in his beautiful eyes."I'm sorry....I'll always protect you,always",Gon said smiling at him while crying."no w-wait."
Killua shut his eyes for split second and he was left in the bathroom...alone...crying."Gon."is all he said before crying his eyes out on the floor,the unconscious body of the boy Gon beat up.The other boys were no where to be found,the most likely got scared and ran of.Killua had completely forgot he was at a ball and people were probably looking for him.

"Oh and by the way,you look really handsome"and nice and soft voice echoed in the bathroom


I literally cried while writing this-

Bye bye take care of yourselves ily

Don't do drugs kids 👍


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