Chapter 10

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Killua didn't even take notice that it was midnight, he jumped up from his bed and grabbed a random jacket from his closet, and put it on. He was about to swing open the door but then remembered that he had to be quiet so that he doesn't get in trouble. He wiggled the door nob until the door opened and soon after plodded out of his room. Killua tried his best to be quiet but also be fast. For him this action was pretty easy, he is an assassin after all.

Surprisingly, he made it out without any of his siblings or his parents noticing. As he shut the door behind him he bolted towards the vast inviting forest. As he runs his pajama bottoms getting wet from the rain. The wind starts getting heavy and slowly hints at an ashy smell. He stops in fear think that ash might indeed be Gon."n-no that not him, "he said as he started to run again. his feet bare, sticks and rocks poke at his pale feet slowing down his journey. The deeper he runs into the forest the stronger the smells get and the damper, the moister, the thicker the air gets. Stick laches onto his pajama bottoms causing him to trip and fall."ARGH." he shouted his face striking the ground."no one shall pass to this part of the forest." a low monotone voice says.
"W-wha whos there, "he says attempting to get up without tearing his pajamas.
"This is Gons destiny you must not change that, "the voice says in a sinister voice."d-destiny?" he says not understanding what she means. But then it clicked, this person was telling killua not to get in the way of Gons execution. He scrambles up from the floor in terror."you c-cant, "he says before starting to chase after them..his legs start to wobble and he starts to shake all over in fear. He collapses on the floor his eyes full of worry. He watches as a figure comes back to him while holding a person that he can't distinguish due to the dark."Now you shall watch him perish"
"Wha-, "he says before realizing. balls of water sit on his eyelashes seconds away from falling.his lip quivering from fear and also from how cold it is. He came closer and closer until he revealed himself as a......girl?
She had long green hair with a white flowy dress and matching white heels. She spoke"so you see little boy, "she said giving him a cocky smile."he wasn't necessarily here to help you per se, more like...collect data and after slaughter you."
Kills stared at the women holding Gon as he seemed to be asleep."but the thing is, this useless child had gotten to attached to you and refused to kill you, "she sighed acting sad."oh how lucky you are."he said her face changing into slight anger. Killua eyes had turned bloodshot, the corners of his eyes damp.
"And we don't take refusal here."he said in a fake cheery voice."he must now die, and as an extra punishment for him he gets to look at you while he dies."he sad clapping her hands together as if she was excited.

"But you know, there was one kid who didn't have to die....he instead killed himself, "she confessed simply."w-who was the kid, "killua asked trying to stall time."well there was much to him but his name was pairo." she said looking as if she didn't care."p-pairo?" he asked remembering the name kurapika had told him."yes, he had also refused to murder the child he had so he ran away, people found his body by the lake not far from here a couple of days later lying next to a knife."As she explained he saw Gon starting to wake up. His eyes slightly open he looked around to see where he was. The lady had not noticed Gon and He wanted to keep it that way. Gon turned back around and spotted killua. He was about to speak until killua smacked the ground indicating Gon to shut up. Gon did as he was told and pretend to be asleep still.

"Well anyway we should get going with the execution," she announced while walking away. Killua didn't know what to do, he wanted to save Gon and be with him forever but he did not know how to. He desperately bit his nails trying to get his brain to work. He tried and tried to think of something but nothing ever came. Tears start streaming down his cheeks as he stares at her as she walks into to forest, Gon hanging over her shoulder facing killua.

Gon opens his eyes look at the white-haired boy looking at him, tears all over his face
"Killua..." he whispered tears starting to form on his eyelashes."I can't leave you, "he says a bit louder."oh?the little boy's awake is he."she says as she drops him on the floor."do you want that thing to come watch you die?"she says pointing to killua."he not a thing."Gon says getting irritated."oh is he not? what is he then?"he asks with a nasty smile."hes....hes....hes my best friend."he says looking at her from the floor."and your not taking him from me."he says with a deadly glare.Killua sits watching, his cheeks still damp."Gon run...., "killua mumbles."GON RUN."he shouts.Gon gets up from the floor and starts running towards the zoldyck mansion, into the flower garden.Gon trust killua to take care of her.

"Oh you brat." she spat out. Killua took a deep breath and stoop up."what, Mr pajama boy thinks he can take me o-, "she says before a sharp pain strikes right in her neck. She falls on her knees dirtying her white dress."w-what did you do dam child." she said holding her neck in pain."oh you know, just a little incision."he said smirking and holding up his hand showing her his pointed nails now polished in her blood."you- YOU MONSTER."she said."am I now, so I'm the one forcing children to kill their friends."Before she could say anything killua had sunk his nails deep into her throat. Her deceased body lay limp on the forest ground. Killua stands over her and bends down to where his face was above hers. He whispered into her ear."this is why you don't mess with my loved ones."

Gons POV:

I ran and ran hoping to find somewhere to hide. I wondered why killua hadn't abandoned him when he found out he was supposed to kill him."what a strange boy," he thought in his head while running. As he looks back he could still see the forest beside him so kept running straight forwards.Slowly the grass he was running on turned to cat tails

(if u don't know what they look like)Gon had never seen such a beautiful garden

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(if u don't know what they look like)
Gon had never seen such a beautiful garden. His running turns into jogging and then walking until he came to a stop. He stood in the beautiful field of flowers where he had first seen killua, where he had drawn his beautiful picture. Where he had left his camera. He turns around to check that the lady was behind him. Once he was sure she was not there he walked to the spit killua had always sat at. He sat on the soft grass with cattails all around him. it was so comfy Gon had fallen asleep on the grass. His long lashes showing, his soft hair against the grass almost blending in.

Back to killua:

Her body had completely dead he dragged her by her hair deep into the forest. he dug a hole deep enough to fit her in and tossed her in and covering her. He felt a sense of relief being lifted from him. Though he had just killed someone.But that someone was willing to hurt the one he loved. Killua wouldn't have that. He wandered back into the big field of cattails to find a specific boy with brown eyes and green hair. He walks deeper and deeper into the cattails until he sees a little green hair sticking from the cattails.A smile forms on his face before walking closer.He knelt down next to the sleeping boy admiring all his features."how could someone so beautiful time this earth."he smiled to him self.He gently kissed his forehead then his cheek then his nose.He looked at the boys pink lips hesitantly.Gons lips curled into a smile right before he grabbed the back of killua head and kissed him.He pulled back and uttered the four words killua had yearned to hear.

"Killua, I love you"



I've got so many other ideas written down omg- hopefully, those will be written better-

But a big thank you for reading my first story.

If u have a specific ship you would like to see feel free to message me :)


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