Chapter 7

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That night killua went to make flower crowns with Alluka it just didn't feel right.He was so confused why Gon always randomly disappeared

When they went to make flower crowns:

"Big brother are you ok,"Allluka said putting her flower crown down."y-ye I'm ok don't worry."he said choking back tears.He carried on making his flower crown thinking about the boy in green.He didn't pay much attention to the flowers he picked so he wasn't sure what colours they were.He reached in his basket of flowers and pulled out a green carnation.He looked at it imagining a Serra in green boy.He couldn't take it anymore and he just started crying."hmm?."Alluka said looking up from what she was doing.she looked at her brother with sympathy.She didn't ask about it she just went over and hugged him rubbing circles on his back.After awhile killua calmed down and they went back inside.

Back to real time:

He lay on his bed his legs and arms spread out like a starfish.Not long before the image of hazel eyes and green hair came up to this mind.His face heated up and he smushed a pillow against his face trying to get Gon out of his head.His feelings calmed down a bit and he sat up.He was in deep thought about the boy.Not about how cute he is or how his hair smells like coconut,or his soft soothing voice or- ok back to what I was saying.He was confused on what that boy even was.How would he just show up in his house that has a incredible amount of security.Or how he just randomly disappears like it's nothing.He was gonna find out instead of waiting for him to just disappear again.He sighed and and got up from his bed at went downstairs.He hears people talking and went to go see what it is.He walks into the dining room to find his family talking about something.He stands there in the big door way with his hands in his pockets.
"Oh killua dearest come here for a second."kikyou said in hear annoying ass voice.
Killua did as she said and took an empty seat.
He took on of the drinks on the table and drank it."Is this alcohol-,"he said in his head."so you rember last year when we went to the radieux corpse ball,we're going this year and-"She got cut of by killua projectile spitting his drink across the table."KILLUA"his mom scolded him."s-sorry he said getting a napkin."as I was saying before I got rudely interrupted".she said glaring at killua."we're going this year and you can't say anything about it".Killua hated the radieux corpse ball.He had been going ever since he was 5.It was always the same fancy people gossiping.Girls asking to be his girlfriend.And he always ended up hiding in the toilets on his phone."your outfits will be arcing tomorrow so wake up before 7 so you can try them on before we go."she said before standing up and leaving.Killua sighed for the 10th time today and went up to his room.He doesn't even take a shower,brush his teeth or change out of his clothes.He just lays in his bed dreading what's to come tomorrow.But he knows something could cheer him up at this moment but he just didn't know how to make it happen.He wanted to see Gon.But he didn't even know where he was.He feels a single tear roll down his cheek followed by another,then another.He shuts his eyes and grinds his teeth trying to hold back a waterfall from pour out of his face.But it doesn't help,he starts crying endlessly.He puts his hand over his mouth to help prevent making noise.He turns over to face to wall but he feels a hand tug on his.He turns around hoping to see that special person that he loves so.Sapphire eyes glistening,looking at soft hazels eyes."g-Gon,"Killua said his lip quivering.Gon pulled his arm so that killua would fall onto him.He hugs killua tighter than he has ever hugged anyone in this earth.Killuas muffled sobs fill the room,whilst quiet shhh's were heard.Gon placed his hand on killuas head and started playing with his hair,that helped killua calm down a little.It didn't take long for killua to fall asleep in Gons arms.Gon say there holding the small albino rubbing his back.Soon after Gon also fell asleep,after telling killua "it'll be okay,I promised to them I'd protect you"

Killuas eyes shot from a long comfortable sleep."Gon!"he said looking underneath him.But of course he wasn't there.Killua knew that Gon wouldn't be there but he still had some hope that he would stay this time.He sat up with sad eyes.but then he remembered he was supposed to be up ages ago."omg omg omg omg,"he said getting out of his bed a running to his bathroom.Of course he managed to fall over."owwwww~."he said as he got up and lipmped the rest of the way.He got his tooth brush in one hand and his hairbrush in the other."ok,I can do this."he said determined.He started brushing his teeth and hair at the same time.he finished brushing his teeth and hair,and grabbed some hair fell that his mom had gotten him ages ago."I really don't wanna use this."he said looking at the hair gel pot reading "x2 hold".he looked at it for a bit before a slapped a big chunk of it on his hair.his mout gaped open he laughed."ew ew ew omg this feels disgusting." He finished his hating on hair fell and tried styling his hair."eh that should do i guess,"he said satisfied.He walked out of his bathroom and walked over to the white suit that was hung up on the back of his door."ew this is kinda ugly,"he said as he look it down and went to put it on anyways.It always took him ages to put on suits for some reason.The butlers used to dress him until he was 11 because he told them to stop cuz he found it weird.He came out waking like a penguin."why is this so stff for,"he said uncomfortable."killua,are you ready?"kurapika one of his butlers asked."ye one sec,"Kurapika was one of the only few butlers that he liked.Kurapika treated him like a human and not just someone that he served a thought nothing of.He opened the door and walked out"Kurapika watched him walk out of his room trying to hold in his laughter.he walked as if he had a wedgie."whats so funny."killua said turning around angrily."it's just*snort*your walking is weird*giggle*.Kurapika said laughing.That reminded killua of when gon introduced himself and was laughing at his hair.His expression change to sad.Kurapika stopped laughing at looked at killua."killua what's the matter,"he said getting to killuas level."c-can I tell you later,"killua said not wanting to talk about Gon right now."of course we can,when ever your ready,"Kurapika said petting killuas head."thanks Kurapika,"Killua said thankfull that Kurapika understood.Kurapika walked in front a little,stopped and turned around."come one,you don't wanna be late do you,"Kurapika said smiling.Killua smiled."of course not"he said and ran up to walk next to kurapika.



Bye bye take care of yourselves ily chapter 8 will be soon

Bye bye!

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