Chapter 6

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(Photo belongs to @niuyadraws on insta)

That night killua went to bed crying and worried.He didn't understand why he was getting himself worked up over a boy he had just met."it's because he's my first friend....right?"he said crying himself to sleep


He woke up with the covers completely off him.He curled into a ball on his high mattress.He was a absolutely freezing because he was only wearing shorts and no shirt.He grabbed a blanket and rapped it around his head and body exposing his face only.He looked like the twink version of little red riding hood

He looked like the twink version of little red riding hood

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(I had to I'm sorry dhjdjdjd)

He slipped on his kitty slippers and slowly forced himself into his bathroom.3 hour's off sleep doesn't really make for a good morning.Killua was tripping over nothing as if he was drunk.He aggressively stuck his toothbrush in his mouth and abused his teeth.He spat out the toothpaste and chugged his mouth wash swallowing it. (What a weirdo🙄✋) He reached to close the water off causing his blanket to fall off earning a shiver and jump out of him.As he turns off the sink he feels a pair of smooth hands brush over his shoulders putting back his blanket."AHHH,"He said turning round and rasing his hand in a fist.He lowers his hands looking at the blank space."da fuck,"he said squeezing his eyebrows together."was that a ghost-,"he said turning back to the sink."well if it was that ghost got some nice hands,"he said putting his toothbrush back in its place."why thank you,"someone said giggling.His cat like reflexes activated,he swings his head round."ok what the actual fawk."he said backing up."have I gone crazy."he says out loud.His dumbass ignores what just happened and turns on the water to run a bath.He squirted half of the bubble bath into the bath almost falling in himself.5 minutes later his bath is done and he gets in hesitantly because of how hot the water is.Once he's at sitting level he slides down making the water reach his neck and the bottom of his chin.he doesn't really take baths but he thought it was appropriate at this time.out of nowhere and shampoo bottle falls on his head.making his head go under the water.Killua squirmed trying to get back up.As he was under the water he saw a blur of green hair above the water.He shoots up panting."oh....,"he said disappointed that Gon wast there.

He grabs the shampoo bottle from the water and puts in back in it place right above his head.he turns back around sitting down.he sighs."WAIT GON?!?,"he screamed.he looks up the meet eyes with a spiked haired boy."hi kill-,"Gon said before getting tackled into a hug.he was shocked killua just hugged him like that."Gon you idiot where did you go I was so worried,"he said still hugging him."sorry I-,"Gon said before realising something."killua ur still naked...,and ur wet (THAT SOUNDS SO WRONG BUT I PROMISE ITS NOT HSJHSJSNND),"he says pointing at killuas body."what?"killua said letting go and looking down at himself."GAHH GON GET OUT,"he said blushing profusely."o-ok,um usmellreallygood,"Gon said spitting out that last part really fast before running out and closing the door.Killua slammed his back into the door and slid down it whining.he puts his small pale hands over his blushing face."omg I'm so stupadddd,"he said scolding himself.Gon could hear killua yelling at himself from outside of the door which made him smile and chuckle.Killua dried himself of and went over to open the door and remembered he was still naked and was going to have to ask Gon to get his clothes.He took a deep breath "goncanyoupleasegetmesomeclothes,"he said so fast making him out of breath."what?I-I can't hear you,".Killua shut his eyes and said"Gon.could you please.get me some clothes." He was probably as red as a todorokis left side."oh,ok!"Gon said in his normal cheery voice.He walked over to Killuas dresser and opened a random drawer not knowing where anything is

Gons POV:

Killuas room is nice,it's really fancy unlike mine,mine is.......never mind.I opened a draw and saw lots of socks.I picked out these socks with kitty's on them.They were so cute.I opened another drawer and found lots of T-shirt's.I picked out a white and blue stripy one.And again I open another drawer but it was his underwear drawer.I blushed for a second before picking a random one trying not to look.I open the last drawer which is pants.I chose black cargo pants.Killua has nice clothes I wonder how expensive they were.I knock on the door with his clothes in my hand."Killua I'm done!, I say waiting for him to opening the door.I see a small hand stick out from the door.I place the clothes in his hand and he jerks his hand back as soon as he feels the fabric hit his hand.I laugh at his childish behaviour.

Killuas POV:

Omg I wish I just have brought clothes in myself that was so embarrassing I say,my face still red.I quickly put my clothes on not wanting to make Gon wait because of me.I finish and walk out not making eye contact with Gon.

No ones POV:

"Killua,?Gon said coming closer to his face."y-yes,"Killua said looking everywhere except Gon."are you ok you look a little red,"Gon said genuinely concerned."n-no I'-.killua said before getting cut of by Gons forehead on his.He held his breath as his face heated up even more than it already was.Gon pulled back looked right at killua."hmmm you don't feel sick?"Gon said confused on why he was blushing."I'm fine Gon I promise,"he said trying to sound believable."if you say so," Gon said suspicious.As soon as Gons finished saying that Alluka comes bursting through the door with a huge smile on her face."BIG BROTHER COME MAKE FLOWER CROWNS WITH ME!!!!!,"she yells energetically."A-Alluka,"Killua said surprised."what?"she said lowering her hands that was previously in the air.He looks at him and back at her.Alluka raises a eyebrow and looked at him."big brother are I ok?your being weird,"she said tilting her head."I'm f-fine,"he said trying to smile,"u-um wait a second ok,I-I have do do something,"he said pushing her to the door."but bi-,".He shut the door and looked back over to where Gon is."Gon wh-,"he said before cutting himself of.He stares at the empty spot that Gon was sitting in a couple seconds ago."Gon?"he said in a soft voice."Gon please say something if your here,"he said pleading."Gon please,"he said on the verge of tears."please come back......"


Not me skipping my class to write this ✨
Oh well it was more fun than learning about salt-😃

Ok anyways

Take care of yourselves and try to eat and drink some water.ily (yes I'm gonna say this every chapter) ok bye bye chapter 7 will be soon :)

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