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So here's the prolog...enjoy :)

Breathe Valerie. Breathe. I'm sure your not in trouble. I mentally reassured myself.
There's no way they found out that I ate the last golden pear. But even if they did, why would they fuss over a pear...even if I picked it from the holy thousand year tree. I mean they can't hate me that much....
But if they didn't call me for that. then why would the elders call upon me?
I stopped walking.
Shitttttttt. Don't tell me they found out I went to a underworld pub last month. They'll probably give me a decade of chores(not like I'd do it anyway). Damn it. I knew I shouldn't of trusted that bold monkey. I should of known he would of spilled the beans to the bunch of oldies.
I mentally rant on and end up walking into the double doors of the council room.
Man that hurt.
I study the intricate designs of the rosewood doors with taking a deep breath to calm myself. It wasn't that I was scared of them. It was because I couldn't stand their 'lectures'.
"Okay Valerie. Grow a pair and get in that room." I say aloud this time and push open the doors.


I walk in and my boots click agains the marble floor of the long catwalk. The door closes behind me with a heavy thud. Sunlight seeps through coloured glass onto 7 pillars that are placed in a semi circle. Each elder has their own pilar. Where they sit on top of all day long and talk about Nephilim politics. Boring.
The 7 elders are rank in their powers and the most and strongest amount of angel blood in them. 1st elder is the strongest and 7th elder is the weakest. They are made up of the most power Nephilim. The elders make up the council. Not everyone that's Nephilim get to stand in their holy glory because they don't have enough time to bless everyone. People consider me 'lucky' for all the 'attention I get.
Please. I'd give all my luck to everyone if it meant that they wouldn't bother me anymore. Honestly these old people give me the creeps. I can't stand the criticising looks they give me and their snobby attitude. For a group of people that are the most angelique, their not that angel like.mTheir more like a bunch of grandmas PMSing especially Deborah. Deborah is the worst out of all of them. Being 1st elder, she's literally the queen and act like she she be treated like a God. The only one I can stand is Enoch, my guardian. He's usually quiet and minds his own business most of the time. He doesn't bother me as much.

I'm still walking to the centre of the pillars. What's the point of such a long catwalk. When I finally get there. Their all dressed in their fancy gold and while robes. I can already feel all the stares of the oldies.

"Took you long enough" one of them says.
Oh. here we go again. Let 'who can insult Valerie the most' begin!
"I sincerely apologise for the delay." I say with boredom.
"Don't give us excuses you ungrateful child." That's defiantly Deborah. "Look me in the eyes when I talk to you." She snaps.
I slowly look up into her icy blue eye and have a staring contest with her.
"That's enough Deborah, let's not waste anymore time and get to the point." Enoch's voice breaks our stare down. And I revert my attention to my Enoch.
"Look, if it's about what Joseph said I can explain-" I say.
"Valerie, the council of angels have called upon for a very important mission. What are you taking about?" Enoch says slowly. Whoops...
"What kind of mission?" I try to change the subject. "If it's another demon hunting one. I-"
"It's not,"he cuts me off. "The fallen are planing something big." Fallen. As in fallen angels?
"As you know the eclipse of 10,000 moons is upon us. It is the only time where the seal on Angel's key will be able to be broken and the fallen will be able to use it to get back to heaven." He explains.
"Right," I say. "And this has to with to me because....?" I trail off, having no idea where this is going.
"Get to the point Enoch." Isaiah says.
"We, uh..we" Enoch starts to say.
"We want you to go find the key and destroy it." Miriam finishes off for him.
I think over what she says. Why would they need me to break it?
"Why would you ask me to do such an important task instead of yourselves,"I begin. "You guys can break the key with all your powers combined even if the Angels created it." Wait, Unless...."unless you all knew this task would be too dangerous, especially with the fallen involved. Even if they aren't angels anymore, they still as strong. If I was the one who failed to stop them, you guys wouldn't get the blame for the end of the world and since I can't die, it won't matter what happens to me." I finish and give them accusing looks.
"You dirty bastards!" I yell. Enoch actually looks ashamed.
"How dare you speak to us like that!" Deborah fires back. "Have you forgotten who we are? Have you forgotten all the kindness we have shown all these years? Don't you think it's time to repay us?"
"Kindness my ass." I mumble under my breathe.
"Don't forget the only reason why the council has taken you in is because of your father." Jeremiah says.
"How could I ever forget." I reply.
My father, the all mightily Archangel Michael. In all my life. I've only seen him once and that was just before he left me in the hands of these wannabe angels.
"We would of thrown you out if his grace didn't ask for our assistance. Obviously because of your filthy mixed blood." Huldah says.
Damn. They just love taking turns to insult me don't they. My tainted bloom as in my mother. The queen demoness. The Lilith.
"Uh huh." I nod simply. "I've heard this a millions times, I could right down this whole conversation if you want. And as for that mission, do it yourself cause I have better things to do. I turn around, not wanting to waste anymore time.
"Don't you dare leave. We are not done here." Deborah says sharply.
"This is a mission you must do no matter what. It dosen't matter if you don't want to or don't have the guts to."
Did she just call me a coward?!
I turn around and put my hands on my hips and raise my brows at him.
"Excuses me? I'm the coward here?" I place my hands on my hips. "You guys are. Too scared to destroy a stupid key and face some dark angels because you're not strong enough to go against them." I look at Deborah. "Here's a reality check, you need my help. So I suggest you start changing your attitude if you want me to do a favour. Debby." Deborah's face is red as a tomato. The pillars are starting to shake due to her anger.
"Let's make a deal." Enoch say. "If you succeed this mission, you can break your oath and leave. The council won't ever bother you again. But-"
Huldah continues on for him. "If you fail, you will serve us for all eternality no complaints." She challenges me.

"Fine. I'll do it." I say. If it meant getting out of this hell hole and proving them wrong. I'd go to the hell on earth. High school.


Extra info

Since both her parents are immortal, she is immortal herself too. She is more powerful than the elders because she can use the abilities of an archangel and demoness. The only reason why she. Hasn't left the COA is because of the oath she made to prove her loyalty to them.

Eclipse of the 10,000 moons is just the Eclipse with the power of 10,000 moons combined. It has lots of spiritual energy and it's power weakens the seal on the key.

Reason why the COA doesn't like Valerie is because even though she is half angel. They believe she's 'dirty' because of her demon half. The COA are also demon hunters, they are the guardians of the planet, and take care of supernatural problems on earth. Because her mother is one of the original demons, hey she her as a problem.

The Fallen
The fallen are different from Lucifer and other princes of hell. They are fallen angels that want to go back to heaven and seek revenge where as Lucifer is happy being the ruler of hell.

Elders in rank
7. Elder Jeremiah (M) three quarters angel
6. Elder Huldah (F) three quarters angel
5. Elder Miriam (F) three quarters angel
4. Elder Isaiah (M) three quarters angel
3. Elder Malachi (M) half angel mother, archangel father.(Uriel)
2. Elder Enoch (M) half angel mother, archangel father. (Raphael)
1. Elder Deborah (F) half angel mother, archangel father (Gabriel)

The story will get more interesting when the story starts. This is just to explain what's going on and why.

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