5. Through the hidden door

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Chapter 5

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Dedicated to whales-are-epic for the new front cover :3

*knock knock*

I quickly open the door, knowing that Alex is there for our date.

Today is Saturday which means no school. Yay. It's also the day I get to sneak around the school like a ninja openly.

I open the door and come face to face with Alex. He's dresses nicely in a polo shirt and jeans. Around his head is a bandage.

. The events of the night before flood into my mind. Going to the party, playing the stupid game, Maria blowing up the car and Xavier. I never saw him after the police came. He just. Disappeared.

"Hey, ready to go?" Alex breaks though my thoughts.

"Yeah, let's go." I follow him to his car.

I slide into the deep red car and sit on the leather seats. The interior is spacious and fancy.

"Uh, this car, what brand is it again?" Peyton mentioned a ferry?

"Ferrari" he replies and turns the engine on. Oh that's it.

"So, do you want to explore the old part of the school or-"

"Sounds perfect." I cut him off.

"School it is."

Let's get this over and done with


The drive to the school was quiet and awkward. I could tell that Alex was nervous. He turned the radio up really high and gripped the steering wheel a bit too tightly.

"So where's the old part of the school." I ask as we walk out of the car.

"It's in a enclosed area behind the school."

We walk through the back gate and headed towards the old Westville high.

"This is it." He announces and I scan the area. The remains of what once seemed like an english manor is now pieces of brick walls covered in dirt and vines.

"What happened here?" I run my fingers along some vines. From the structure of this place. I'm guessing it was built in the 1800's

"It's a long story." Alex says

"Don't worry start from the beginning. I've got all the time in the world." Literally I do.

"In 1822, family migrated to America from England," Alex starts.

Okay maybe not the very beginning.

"This was the home of my ancestor, Sir William Fredrick West. He moved her with his wife and son which was my great, great grandfather. William was a professor, and he taught students in this very manor. But one night a fire started in the estate and it was too big to put out. William said that he needed to take care something and headed towards the burning flamesbut never returned. Nobody knew what caused the fire. All that was left behind from William was his diary a letter left for his son. Years later, my great, great grandfather built Westville school to honour his father."

"Whoa, you've got quiet a family history." I think about the story. I heard no connections to Angels or a magical key. But the fire and him having unfinished business. Strange.

"I know this place is old and dirty, but I used to come and play here a lot when I was a kid." Alex says while climbing onto a tree. "Something about this place made me feel as though it held a lot mysteries."

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