7. There once was nine

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Chapter 7



Two weeks and I'm still the talk of Westville High. Everyone is still whispering behind my back and giving me criticizing looks as I walk past. And unsurprisingly, Alex disappeared off the face of the Earth. The day after the that stupid Flo Harper posted pictures of us for the world to see, Alex apparently had to go overseas for his grand uncle's cousin's best-friend's little sister's Nephew's birthday in France.

Or that's what he told everyone.

Saying that I'm being watched like a hawk is an understatement. It took me forever to sneak in and out of the school with a group of annoying 'I hate Valerie' girls following me. They are one step away from reaching death's door.

I went through the school's data and there weren't any results for Flo Harper. Peyton said she was the school's gossip girl. She used her pen name whenever something interesting happened at the school. Nobody has ever seen her before. So yeah, my plan to decapitate that bitch's head off hasn't been going to well for me.

''Class dismiss, I hope you all have a lovely day.'' Mr Evans said as we rushed out the class. I make a beeline to the bathroom but I could already feel the eyes of the students around me.

As soon as I get in I lock myself into one of the cubicles.

Give me a break already.

I put the toilet lid down and sit on it as the bathroom door squeaks open again. Shit its probably a bunch of annoying girls. I quickly cast a spell making it seem like the room is empty. If I have to answer more of there ridiculous questions, I will commit murder.

''There's no one here. Are you sure you saw her come in here?" Oh i knew it.

More shuffling happen before the second person answers. ''I swear I saw her rush in her.''

''Yeah well there's no one here.'' Captain obvious states. ''Do you really think that Valerie's a psychopathic stalker?''

Umm no, I am not psychopathic stalker. I mentally give them my opinion.

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