8. Chick flicks

41 11 1

Chapter 8


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dedicated to kelb800 for the new cover :)


If I knew what her reaction would be. I would've never told her about it.

Too late for regrets now....


"THEY WHATT?!?!" Peyton looks at me with wide eyes.

"For the hundredth time, they ask me to-"

"JOIN THE ELITE?!" She screams in my ears.

"Calm the f*ck down," I raise my hands in exasperation. "Your overreacting. Again."

Jackie wasn't kidding when she said that Peyton would have an 'out burst' when I told her the news. It was probably a good idea to kept it from her for a


"Sorry but, I just," she takes a deep breathe. "Can't believe that they asked you..."

She grabs hold on my shoulders. "TO JOIN THE ELITEEE!!!!" She says wild shaking me with excitement.

Strangely enough the Elite wanted me to join in their reign over the school. Why? Because they needed 9 members since every group of Elites in the past had nine members.

"Yeah..." What is wrong with this human.

"Okay so what was your answer?"she looks at me with big brown eyes. Hands clasp together in anticipation.

"no" I say without blinking.

Peyton stops walking. "No?" She said in a confused voice.

"You-you said no...?" Her eyes go wide as I nod.

"Yeah, I declined their offer."

"YOU SAID NO?!?!" Peyton grabs by shoulders again. "ARE YOU FREAKING CRAZY???" She yells in my face and everyone around us stops to looks at us


I pry her fingers off me. "No, but I'm pretty sure you are."

"Why...would you say no?"

"I have no interest in becoming on of them."

She gives me a blank look. "...that's it?"

"Basically, yeah" I said while nodding. Becoming an Elite would draw to much attention to me. Especially after Kandyce sorted out that issue with just a few words.

"That's not even...a legit reason." Peyton frowns as me when checking me up and down. "Do you know how many people would die just to get a chance to associate with the Elite or just talk to them. And you just rejected an offered to become an Elite? There is something very wrong with you."

"I prefer the term, unique. "

"What was their reaction when you rejected them? I bet they were shocked."

"Yeah they were a little shocked at first. They all looked unconvinced that I had no interest in the Elite because 'everyone wants to be one them'."

We get closer to Jackie, who's at her locker.

"They told me that they're all determined for me to join them and they won't stop persuading me. Even Logan said he'd help me make all my deepest

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 09, 2015 ⏰

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