1. Welcome to Westville High

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Here's chapter 1. Enjoy :)
Btw. Decided that Valerie played by Lily Collins.

I'm standing in the middle of the school hall holding my new books. Not the smartest thing to do but I'm lost. Like really lost. I don't even remember which end I came from. For a superior being, I'm not that bright. Other than feeling lost and stupid, I'm feeling very claustrophobic. It's been a while since I've been surrounded by so many humans.

The last time I did was at the stake. Literally. I was tied down to it with fire at my feet and the town cheering. Yeah, it wasn't fun.

I'm getting pushed around and when I finally regain my balance someone knocks into me and I drop my books. Thanks to my fast reflexes I managed not to fall but the books are scattered everywhere.

"Oh shit, sorry."

I'm too concentrated on my books to reply to him.

"Here let me help you."

He reached for the last of my books and hands it to me. This time I look up and make eye contact with him. He's actually pretty good looking. For a human. Short wavy blonde hair and warm brown eyes. His face is well structured as well as his body. I can tell that he's really fit.
"Thanks." I say as I take the book from him.

He gives me a smile. "No problem." He says back. "I'm Alex by the way."

"I'm Valerie."

Just then the bell rings and the sea of people disappear and I feel like I can finally breathe. Maybe now I could use a spell to find my classroom...since there's no one arou-

"Hey, do you need help finding your class?" He guy asks.

"Um, yeah. I'm new here and I'm totally lost." I explain

"I show you to your class, give me your schedule." I give him the crumpled paper in my hand.

"English room 107 with Mrs. Cupido. I have that too." He stands up and walks to the door behind me.

"It's right here." He says while opening the door.

Seriously. My class was literally where I had been standing for the last 20 minutes. Way to go Valerie.
I give him an awkward smile and follow him into the classroom.

"Mr. West, your late. Again." The teacher with the monobrow says.

"Sorry Mrs. Cupido, I was helping the new kid." Alex says pointing to me.

What no. Don't advert the attention to me.
Everyone's eyes are on me now. Studying me and I start fidgeting. I may be centuries old, but I still hate crowds of people. Even if it's only 10 people staring at me. I get stage fright. I know, I know. Lame.

"Well ...." Mrs Cupido looks at the role. "Valerie Michelson, could you please introduce yourself to the class."

Sure. Hi guys, I'm Valerie. A 323 year old Nephalm whose here to save you guys from the end of the world . It's nice to meet you too!
I actually thought about saying that.

"Uh..I'm Valerie and I'm from Australia but I was born in the Uk."

I hope that's enough information for them.

"How old are you?" "Are you single" "Wanna hang out?" people started questioning me.

"17, yes and no" I replied.

"You can take the seat at the back. Everyone else, open your text books to page 173. We'll be discussing about 'living in a digital world'."


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