3. Detention with Mr. Mysterious

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"So are you going to just stare at me again." He gives me a cocky smirk.

"Who are you?" I ask suspiciously. He leans down to my height.

"That's for me to know and you to find out." He whispers in my ear and his hot breathe fans my cheek, making me shiver.

"See you later, Angel." He says then walks off.


I keep on thinking about him. Him. I don't even know his name or who he is. I shouldn't even be thinking about him. For all I know. He could be some creepy psychopath killer but with extremely good looks.

"Hey," I nudge Jackie. "Do you know any guys in the school with black hair and and greens eyes-"

"That's super good looking and has a perfectly sculptured body!?" Peyton cuts in excitement shinning in her eyes.

"Yes?" I guess she knows who I'm talking about.

"Xavier Jones!" She squeals out. "He's one of the hottest guys in the school."

"So why don't I see him around?"

Jackie stops walking and turns to me.

"Other than his name. No one knows who he really is. He appeared out of no where and stayed away from everyone." Jackie whispers to me like she's telling a ghost story.
"But since he's so good looking. He immediately got pushed into the popular crowd and became an Elite."

"What's the Elite? Are they like Tia and the twins?" Remembering how they called themselves princesses.

"Tia and her friends are the sluts of the school. The bullies. The Elite are the at the very top of the popular crowd. Their like royals and they don't hang around with the rest of the student body." Jackie explains to me.

"Alexander West is part of the Elite too because he's so perfect and beautiful." Peyton says dreamily.

"And also because he owns the school." Jackie adds.

"So the Elite don't have the same classes as us?"

"Oh they do, but most of them skip it and the teachers can't do anything about it because 1, they're crazy rich or 2, their family has a lot of power." Peyton counts with her fingers. "Or 3, they're super smart and probably don't even need to go to school. Their perfect."

"So Xavier, he's a loner?" Hey, if he doesn't hang out or even talk to anyone...

Peyton and Jackie look at each other and laugh at me.

Peyton begins explaining again. "Even though he's quiet he has friends. Plus, he's got girls kissing the ground he walks on. People worship him like a god."

"You know, out of all the Elites, I'm surprised you met Xavier." Jackie says.

"Yeah, since he's renowned for being 'Mr Mysterious'. No one knows much about him cause he's quiet. And hot." Peyton adds.

Hmm...Mr Mysterious. Just what are you hiding?


Other than getting glares from Tia. The day was going on well. Then English happened.

"I'll be handing back your worksheets. The majority of you got 100%. But some of you need some improving." She looks at me while saying that.

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