6. Let the gossip begin

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Chapter 6

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Saturday was fun after Alex and I left the school. He took me to this Italian restaurant. The food was soo good. I could live off pizza forever. After I finished my 4th serving.

He took me to an arcade and we played all these games. I totally kicked assedo in the zombie shooting game. But that game with the claw inside a box full of lollies. I spent way more than I should of there, but that claw would just grab air then bring it back to me continuously. I had the urge to break the glass and get the lollies with my own hands. But I couldn't because that apparently illegal.

"Hey Val, stop day dreaming. We're here." Jackie calls snapping me out of my trance.

I get out of the car. "Where's Peyton?" She wasn't there to pick me up.

"Peyton had cheerleading practise this morning at 7am." Jackie yawns. "I would never give up my precious sleep for that."

As we into the halls I notice a bunch of people surrounding some lockers. They were chattering and a few were crying. Flowers, cards, candles and photos were laid out on the ground. Only then did I realise. Those lockers must of belonged to the guys in the car.

"Those guys really didn't deserve what happened to them." Jackie looks sadly at the photos.

"What do you mean?"

"Nobody deserves to die that way." Jackie states. "Plus, those four were probably some of the nicest people around. They were friendly and kind. Didn't drink, go to parties or get into trouble. They were nice guys."

"How sad, they were so young." I hear a few mutter as we continue walking. "I heard the oil leak caused the explosion."

Now that I think about it. I could of saved them that night. If I used my powers I could of stopped them from dying or easily take on Maria's plasma bolt. But I didn't.

No. I didn't want to.

Even though I hate Maria, what they did was wrong.

In a way. They deserved what they got. But we're they really how Jackie explained them to be?

Not that I care about their life or death. Call me cold or heartless but human lives are a mere blink of an eye to me. No matter how hard they try, they will eventually end up on death's doorstep.

I look over to Jackie. Now she's young and beautiful. But about it 20 or 40 years time? Time will catch up to her and she'll just be an empty shell when it's over.

No matter how well they treat me or how much I care about them. It's all going to end the same. They reject who I am, and I leave. Or the grow old and die. Either way I'll be alone in the end.

It's best to not get to attached.


When I said I wanted to go to school. English with Mrs Cupido defiantly wasn't one of the reasons why. Her sharp icy cold eyes would scan the room the slowly call your name out as if she was planning your death.

"I hate this class." Jackie grumbles as she bangs her head against the table as sound of giggling girls get louder at something he said. "I don't will chop his dick off." Hate radiating off her in waves as she covers her head with her hoodie.

It's amusing how much she hates him. Him as in:

Logan Reed.

When Mrs Cupido said we had a new student I new I could smell his arrogant scent from outside the door. And as soon as he walked in I swear everyone's mouth dropped except for Alex's. He was laughing at everyone's reaction. Peyton literally fainted as with most of the girls in the class did. Jackie who just changed into this class, was deeply regretting her choice.

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